i just called freddy's vet.


Aug 2, 2002
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and i thought the receptionist was scolding me because i asked for an appointment this saturday and she asked me to call earlier for a weekend appointment from now on. then she told me it was because the off-duty vet's assistants want to come in when fred's here because they love him. how cute is that?
like, they WANT to come in on a day off for an hour to see freddy get his nails clipped and his ultrasound taken. HOW CUTE IS THAT?

(adorable poem also)
fred has a chronic liver condition so he has to get ultrasounds to make sure he's not getting stones in his bladder/kidneys. most bunnies don't need them.
i had to tell freddy last night that we're going to the vet on saturday and he's been under the bed all morning not very happy about it.
that's pretty awesome

I guess my vets coo over our border collie, especially since he does stuff like jump all the way up on the examining table by himself when asked.
the_preppy said:
fred has a chronic liver condition so he has to get ultrasounds to make sure he's not getting stones in his bladder/kidneys. most bunnies don't need them.

My old cat's name = Freddy.
The cause of my old cat' s death = a chronic liver condition.

If your cat is grey I'm going to eat my own foot! Is he?