I just found out that Mr. Grouchy McGrouchpants wants ABSOLUTELY NO VISITORS.

how about if this guy came to your door:

when i was in the hospital last i didnt want any visitors. i was a fucking wreck and the IV's gross everyone out and people always act stupid when they walk in and you're all sick.
yeah, I'm not a big fan of visitors in the hospital, either...when I was in for five days (during spring break, yay!) my roommates came in and were all horrified by the mad blood. i felt gruesome.
The update: I heard from Josh tonight. He sounds fantastic. They *finally for real* figured out what was going on with him, and he says now they've got him properly medicated he's feeling better than he has in a long time. Says he'll remain in the hospital until Wed. or so, but is definitely on the mend.

okay my monday just got like 1,000 times better, no a BEJILLION timez better because josh is feeling pretty dece now. please send him my best! i am *so* glad they figured it out.