I Just Got Back From The Manchester Gig!


Apr 12, 2002
Newton Le Willows
What a fuckin show! I was right at the front under Scott Ian. They opened with that stupid Blues Brothers intro, then kicked into What Doesnt Die!
The crowd was rough as fuck. I was stood next to this dick head who kept going off his head at crowd surfers. If you can't handle a few kicks to the head, you shouldnt stand at the front!
Then he started elbowing this girl stood behind him. He had her in tears. I was gonna smack him in the face but the security guy saw him and shoved him out of the way and let the girl in front. She was called Sam. I was gonna offer her a drink but she fucked off at the end of the show before I could ask her. Lucky escape for her eh?
They played all the greats from Metal Thrashing Mad, to Got The Time, Only, Fuled, Inside Out, Safe Home, Anti Social, Black Dalia, NFL, Bring The Noise, I'm The Man, I Am The Law.... The gig seemed to last forever.
John Bush kept climbing up these speakers that must have been 15 feet high. He climbed them twice, but kept climbing back down. The third time he climbed them, he somersaulted right from the top, right over my head. It was fuckin' crazy! That guy, for his age is full of energy. So are all of em.
Scott Ian went on a rant about Michael Jackson. It was funny.
I think it's safe to say, that was one of the best gigs I've ever been to!
I bought a new Thrax shirt and a hoody, and I got a Scott Ian guitar pick too. FUCKIN' A!
What did Scott say about Michael Jackson?
He was going on about how old the band was, and Michael Jackson was still black. Then he started going on about how much of a freak he is. I can't remember exactly what he said but it was funny.

John Bush was checking my Armored Saint shirt out aswell.

Dude! I was stood next to that dickhead that elbowed that girl! what the fuck was he playing at! I was trying to let her into the front bit cos she couldnt breathe and he was just being a right dick about it oooooo I don't wanna lose me place! what a prick.......anywayyyyyyyy just thought I'd share that with you.......oh and wer u the guy that shouted 'wheres the fucking solo' after In My World! haha that was funny
I hate these fuckers who go mental and smack the body surfers about. okay fair enough, no one likes a boot to the head, but its all fair play! Im sure we all body surfed at some point, and as you said Gazmetal, if you can t handle the kicks then dont fucking stand at the front or near it! Glad you had a great time! sounds like a great gig. John never did that up here...he didnt climb the speakers! boo! But I dont mind..maybe it was because it was their 2nd gig of the tour. You lucky guys!
heh I caught a proper good boot on't head. I take it that idiot was stood right in the middle, cause everybody else went for the spot too, I was stood very close by. It's funny how I was propably the only youngin' that new the words to Metal Thrashing Mad :p
i've never posted here before but i went to the manchester gig as well, and it rocked!
i feel bad for that girl getting elbowed by that guy, it's kinda hard sometimes being a girl and being at the front. this guy last night thought it was ok to touch me, so i had to kick him really hard to get him away. i hate stuff like that.
anyway, thought the show was amazing :)
I had my fist clenched ready to hit that guy but the security guy ran in just in time. I kept my eye on that poor girl after that. She thanked me at the end and then vanished.
And yeah, that was me shouting "where was the fuckin solo!"
I also shouted "Do you guys ever change your clothes," and requested Gung Ho in between every song.
gazmetal said:
The only thing that spoiled the gig was they skipped the guitar solo on In My World. That's one of my fav solos ever and they skipped it. I guess Rob can't play it.

Of course Rob can play it you ponce!!! They just do a different arrangement of the song!!!!
To be honest I think crowdsurfing should be banned. Moshing is cool but crowdsurfing is too dangerous. I've been to gigs where people have literally been chucked several feet foward in the air and one of these days a crowdsurfer is going to break someone's neck. I admit that I crowdsurfed in the past but to be honest I'm too concerned about getting dropped. I just feel that that its pointless, what are you achieving when you're crowdsurfing? I just like watching the band as well as jumping up and down. I don't like it when my happiness is lost because of some dickhead kicking me in the head.
It depends, i think if your quite light then crowdsurfing is not too bad...when I was about 9/10 stone i crod surfed. but if its a 15 stone guy/gal..then maybe they should reconsider! I dont even get the chance anymore, as Superhero said, prefer the moshing!
yeah I was the one with the NYY red and blue hat! I was right next to the prick, I was shouting calm down dickhead to him! wasn't listening mind....probably couldnt hear me! what a fucking gig though, best I've been to ever!
not that im a chick basher or nothing, but if you gonna stand in the front and shit you better be ready to take the fucking heat. I dont feel sorry for any of them, if you cant/dont want to take the heat you shouldnt be there, i felt this at mudvayne/in flames chicks were up there on the wall of the pit, they could have moved back, but i just jumped in the pit and stomped around and crashed around and the chicks were all like horrified like they didnt expect pits at a metal show.