I Just Got Back From The Manchester Gig!

I agree if you can't handle the roughness, stand somewhere else.
Rough as it is though, it's all in fun, everyone respects everyone and elbowing some poor girl because she is crushed against you deserves a beating which I would have gladly given.
Thanks to everyone who came early and checked out both support bands.

We realised we were faced with a partisan ANTHRAX crowd and as a fan myself for 15 years i can see why :grin:

Anyhows, we (Indifference) would like to say thanks for taking time out to check us out, despite the technical problems we had during the set there was a healthy crowd by the end that made us all feel good in the van drive back to sunny South Wales.

If anyone would like to check us out then we have downloads on our site www.indifference.vze.com or u can email us your postal addy and we'll hook u up with a cd no problem

Back up in Manc-Land on april 30th so if your feeling bored then come see us
cheers - steve indifference:rock:
I was at manchester...FRONT ROW!! IN THE MIDDLE!!! HELL YEAH!!!! although some guy abou twice my height kept asking politely if he could go in front of me :err: So cool tho! I'd lost half my bodyweight in sweat by the time the played 'Caught..'. Funny when John fuked up the clapping for 'Black lodge' and the MJ urine - extraction! :grin: 'Black dahlia' and 'metal thrashing mad' ruled!And I tried Jagermeister for the first time!and then slept in preston train station....Hmmm bit of an anti-climax there...but I got me simpson pick and 2003 tour tee so its all good

Oh yeah,did anyone get the second bands demo? I mean't to but I was slightly concussed after 4 crowdsurfers hit me in the back of the head (one of em almost knocked me glasses off :rock: and ,indeed, roll bebby!