I just heard NEVERMORE on Rush Limbaugh

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Yeah, they just played the main riff from "Inside Four Walls" as a bump back to the show. It was awesome. Rush rules and so does Nevermore. And, don't say Rush couldn't hear it, because his choclear implant allows him to hear 80% of what we can hear.
Hhehehe, Sorry. I figured I would've been the only conservative Nevermore fan to post on this. We posted exactly five minutes apart. LOL
Actually, I think our original posts were 1 minute apart. We definitely have to be the only two conservative Nevermore fans on the planet, which means we can never be in the same place at the same time in case of an assassination attempt! LOL

Prepare for the onslaught when the rest of them see this post. I can just hear it now..."Nevermore was on that right-wing, nazi, facist, blah blah...radio show!".
Conservative Nevermore fan? What kind of fucking oxymoron is that? Anyone read the lyrics lately? Anyways, Howard Stern plays In Flames... and Howard is cooler, so Howard wins.

Originally posted by J the TyranT
Conservative Nevermore fan? What kind of fucking oxymoron is that? Anyone read the lyrics lately? Anyways, Howard Stern plays In Flames... and Howard is cooler, so Howard wins.


Yeah, they're all for the government staying the hell out of our lives, which is a conservative idea. Liberals want government programs and regulations to control everything.
Yeah, In Flames has been used several times as a cutback theme to the show, and the Haunted is used for BATTLEBOTS! lol.

Anyways, I wouldnt say Warrell's fucking conservative... because he's anti-government. Conservative's arent all anti-government... anyways,

Yeah, they're all for the government staying the hell out of our lives, which is a conservative idea. Liberals want government programs and regulations to control everything.

There is only one political party that truly wants the government out of our lives - the libertarian party (www.LP.org). Conservatives want economic freedom, but they want to regulate our morals. Liberals want personal freedom, but they want to control our money. Check out the libertarian party - they are the third largest party in the country and its only a matter of time before they take a huge chunk of power away from Conservatives and Liberals and give it back to the people.

"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? " - Thomas Jefferson