I just saw the most fucked up movie i will ever see for a long time...


May the HORNS be with you
Apr 6, 2007
Have any of you ever seen the movie "Requiem For A Dream"? god.. if i was a junkie or something, that movie would have hit me twice as hard. but god!!! my dog watched it with me, feel asleep to it, but i think the music alone gave her nightmares! she was freakin' out asleep when i turned the movie off.
I am soooo... glad i'm not a junkie, so glad i'm not an addict. (accept to coffee, but even that's a mild addiction) :lol:
Welcome to 2001!

Except it as the present.

I see what you did there, you rascal, you.

And yes, the movie is quite disturbing, but you gotta admit it was kinda hot watching the double dildo scene at the end, right? Even if she was a smackhead...
My girlfriend recommended it to me. I was watching it, and i caught myself saying "what the fuck?" like every 5 minutes or so.
I'd say THE most fucked up movie I've ever seen in my entire life was Tetsuo. Cool in a cyberpunk sorta way, but still strange.
My girl used to be a junkie. she's on a lot of medication now, but it's subscribed to her cause she has crohn's and epilepsy and such. but she said that when she first watched that movie, she was still a junkie and it made her clean for like 6 months.. then she got crohn's and that fucked everything up, but yeah.
