i just saw...

Jan 8, 2002
Arch Enemy, As I Lay Dying, Black Dahlia Murder, Bury Your Dead, being interviewed on regular MTV. WIERD! I was also pretty shocked to see that Jada Pinkett and Will Smith were on stage singing along with Bury Your Dead. Metal is gonna break really fuckin big soon i think
That's crazy! Was it boxed in between rap videos and reality shows?

Hopefully it will be good for the scene!

Also apparently Jada has some kind of so-called metal band playing OZzfest this year. Haven't heard a single thing from them so I have no idea how horrible they are, I think the band is called Wicked Wisdom. Probably some kind of nu-metal cash in crap, but like I said, I haven't actually heard them.
Metal is comming back to the mainstream man, headbangers ball got revived, ozzfest got alot more metal comparred to the numetal shit they used to have. Fans of poppunk bands are taking it a step further with hardcore bands. It could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. The 80s ruled so if its anything like that, it will be totally sweet.

BUt im guessing its just going to be more hardcore bands going mainstream then anything.
Last night, I saw Cradle of Filth on Viva La Bam. Dani was hanging out with Bam throughout the episode, and then at the end, they played a show for him. It was weird and I was confused. I didn't know if I should be angry because someone as idiotic as Bam Margera is the one helping to bring metal to the mainstream, or if I am angry that metal is getting into the mainstream, or if I am fine with it all.
Fall_of_Empyrean said:
Last night, I saw Cradle of Filth on Viva La Bam. Dani was hanging out with Bam throughout the episode, and then at the end, they played a show for him. It was weird and I was confused. I didn't know if I should be angry because someone as idiotic as Bam Margera is the one helping to bring metal to the mainstream, or if I am angry that metal is getting into the mainstream, or if I am fine with it all.
Bam is an idiot, but he has some taste in music. I saw that same episode last night with Dani. He wears CoF shirts all the time on the show. But besides that I have seen him wear a Deicide shirt and they had Slayer on an episode too. Also between the cuts they play some heavy shit. Not sure what bands/songs but they play decent metal.

Maybe metal is the last type of music that hasn't been pimped (exploited) yet. I mean this newer sort of death and extreme metal. I know the "yelper" metal is in now, metalcore, emo, whatever you wanna call it. But I think the blastbeats and minor chords are starting to catch on to people. I know for me, I wasn't listening to this type of shit until like '02/03. Hardly anyone listens to death/black/whatever metal here in ND.

Lets hope the publicity is good for the scene.
Will Smith should replace the killswitch engage singer, how is that racist Bjorn? All I was saying was, give Will Smith a shot at being in a real band. Funny how they are booing his wifes band everyday of the tour. I heard it, its really weak nu metal. Ah well, at least shes surrounded by awesome bands everynight, something to be influnced by maybe?.
Will Smith should replace the killswitch engage singer, how is that racist Bjorn? All I was saying was, give Will Smith a shot at being in a real band. Funny how they are booing his wifes band everyday of the tour. I heard it, its really weak nu metal. Ah well, at least shes surrounded by awesome bands everynight, something to be influnced by maybe?.

John, would you sincerely be interested in hearing Will Smith in a band? I am done with this conversation, haha
FuckYouIWantToDie said:
thats like saying you should replace the guy in C.H.I.P.S. cuz you are both mexican.


Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel-air

In west philadelfia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys said we’re up in no good
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said you’re moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air
This internet thing and consumer level recording has been really good for metal...

...but I think the music industry as a whole is going to change, radically...

Most of the big-wigs (in terms of where they're throwing their money and such) seem to know this.

We still haven't seen the full effects of mp3.

We still haven't seen the full effects of consumer level recording. (When you can build a studio in your home for the same it would cost to record at a 'pro' studio and, if you take the time and have some know how, can get the same sort of sound... You know the shit is going to hit the fan... This, for consumers, just means more music available... And what better way to deliver it than mp3, something that costs next to nothing to produce, oppossed to CDs or tapes or vinyl....)

The costs of production are dropping drastically, music is more readily available... Massive marketing tools such as radio and television are losing a lot of the hold they once had... Marketing is become more extreme and "current" to try to hold people's attention... (In the music industry and as a whole...)

Metal is the genre that has the most to gain from all of this because it is the genre that has remained underground for the last 10 years or so... It is the genre that depended on tape trading (now mp3 trading) and word of mouth. It is the genre that appeals to the so called "misfits" because of the extremity and "metal attitude" (whatever that is suppossed to mean... but I digress...)

Yeah, metal is coming back, I think. That is the way the world seems to work... There are cycles. Especially in the music industry.

I think emo and the metalcore bands who are very obsessed with image is the current day's equivalent of the 80ies glam rock bands... (I am not saying ALL metalcore here... But there are some definate examples of bands in this genre who follow a formula in both music and image, and that screams of "Music Business Degree" to me.)

But, in the end, only time will tell. It will be interesting to see how the industry changes with the new technologies... Certainly the industry big-wigs would rather have something 'underground' like metal to hit it big at the same time that all this new technology comes out, until they can find a way to dump money into something to make it a sure-fire hit. (With metal, it would appear to be more of a merit based thing rather than "Who has the most funding and exposure!" sort of thing... Of course, the funding and exposure just tip the odds in your favour... but, it would seem in the metal genre the only way to get the funds is to slowly climb your way up the proverbial mountain of success... Wheras with pop and rock, often what the industry is selling is NOT the music, but the IMAGE CONVEYED WITH THE MUSIC. Thus, it is all about finding an image that can sell and then pumping cash into it.)

It's going to be an interesting 10 years or so... I think metal is going to be around for a long, long time... Simply because there are so many sub-genres and people pushing boundaries in so many different directions that there is pretty much a metal band for everyone...

Then you have the fact of the sordid histories of the Norwegian black metal scene and how that got the underground public eye onto music more extreme than most anything made before it and yet, some of it brilliantly composed (Emperor and Immortal anyone?)... I think this was another huge step towards metal suddenly being part of this "mainstream" thing we all talk about.

...I do know that the shows nowadays are WAAAAAY more packed than they were even 4 or 5 years ago. And there are a LOT of young kids coming out to shows.

I'm not really scared about metal becoming mainstream. I don't think about metal as some sort of elite clique I belong to, but rather just music I enjoy...

So if more people like it, it just means more money goes into the stuff I like, and makes it easier for me to access and cheaper. (Well... The CDs and shirts would be cheaper, but concerts have DEFINATELY risen in price a lot in the last few years... Hell, 5 years ago I saw In Flames for $12, and now it would cost almost triple that!)

I'm rambling again.

Alot of good true points, time will tell, and bands like us will reap the benefits. So what if some of these bands became a part of it first, this is all paving the way for a brighter future for the starving metal musician.
SexyHoneyBaby said:
Ironic that the best musicians are starving. That Britney Spears is rich just pisses me off.

People aren't interested in art in the mainstream media... They're interested in image. Britney Spears is an image that can be sold under the pretense of "music", because music is some sort of divine power given by being some sort of popular, mystical character... At least, that's what they'd like to have you believe...

In reality, we can't say the actual fact that most musicians and artists are pretty much the losers you didn't talk to in highschool and spent their days sitting alone in their room perfecting their craft... They're not the social butterflies that wish to lead the pack... They aren't the alphas... But people want them to be, anyways.

Because musicians and artists are "hip" and "cool" or something.

This seems to be embedded into the history of art and music, though... so I don't know if we can blame modern society...

More and more it seems people are becoming less and less obsessed with image and more and more with the music... yes, there still is a lot of people obsessed with image, even in the underground scene... (black metal elitists, anyone?)... With more access to more music and more resources on how to become a musician and more people out there doing music as a hobby or even a career... There's more for people to learn from, more people can examine music critically than before... They can actually LEARN about music!

That is the death of image sold as music right there... When the majority of the world understands why people create...

I don't think that death-knell has been rung, and I don't know if it ever will be rung any time soon... Because asking the majority of the world to have a complex understanding of something might be a bit overly idealistic... but I can certainly dream...