I just spent $102 on CD's!


Lord of the Strings
Jul 10, 2001
Columbia, MD USA
Fuck! Why am I cursed with this love of obscure music which always needs to be imported or is otherwise expensive to buy? Well at least I got some good stuff out of it. I had to replace 3 of my Opeth CD's (lost when I was car jacked -- those fuckers) as well as my Forsaken CD. I also added a Solstice CD and 2 Saturnus CD's.

Still to replace, At the Gates SOTS and Amorphis Karilean Isthmus. They really got some choice stuff, but I'm sure their ghetto asses couldn't appreciate it. :(
102 bucks is a small price to pay for the pleasure that music will bring you for years to come.

We should get a bunch of Opeth fans together, hunt down those who car-jacked your car. We can then introduce them to the pleasure of getting beaten to the musical shifts of Opeth.

It would be funny if they found those CDS..became HUGE Opeth fans, and ended up at this board.....
Originally posted by foxdvd

We should get a bunch of Opeth fans together, hunt down those who car-jacked your car. We can then introduce them to the pleasure of getting beaten to the musical shifts of Opeth.

It would be funny if they found those CDS..became HUGE Opeth fans, and ended up at this board.....

LOL. Some how I doubt it, but its an amusing thought none the less. However, I could see myself beating them to the sounds of the last 3 minutes of Blackwater Park :lol:
sorry to hear about the car jacking bastards but on a lighter note, is that a picture of Skelator? He-mans bad arse enemy? if so where did u find it? i want it!!!!!!! He-man for ever, i mean Opeth forever.
Damn $102! You could of bought.......uhhhh hell thats what I would spend $102 on if I had it in my hand right now :)

Sorry to hear about your stuff getting stolen, pretty lame when crap like that happens.
I love spending that much on cds at a time! I can't get enough... I have purchased about 20 cds within the last couple of months or so, I am definately set for a while.
Too bad about the car-jacking dune_666...just what you like :mad:

Now, in Australia $102 would only buy about 3 1/3 CD's at the mean price and that is definitely average for a metal number like, say...Opeth.

That is bloody robbery made legal! :mad:
Damn record companies.

Does the artist still get the same percentage of a CD sale wherever it is purchased? If so they would make more from an Australian sale (only a slight advantage given the value of the Australian Peso$ at the moment...) or do they get a fixed amount from each CD?

I would be interested to know how that all works if anybody is 'in the know'.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
sorry to hear about the car jacking bastards but on a lighter note, is that a picture of Skelator? He-mans bad arse enemy? if so where did u find it? i want it!!!!!!! He-man for ever, i mean Opeth forever.

Yes that's him. I got the pic by scanning an image out of one of those really old He-Man comics that used to come with the figures. Too bad I lost/got rid of all of those, probably worth some money now.