I just tried out different stuff in Pod Farm


Anssi Tenhunen
Hi Guys,

I know I am to blame about "The Joey Patch", but I wanted to try out different settings... First of all, I noticed that the cabinet modelling with the 421 is in general is pretty horrible and the 4x12 2001 Treadplate is one of the best ones there, but it wasn't my favourite out of all the cabinets there. Depending on what you are after and what amp you use, these sounded kinda cool too with just a different color to the tone:

4x10 1958 Tweed B-Man (67)
1x12 1953 Small Tweed (57 on, 57 off)
1x12 1960 Class A-15 (57 on)
1x12 1964 Blackface 'Lux (57 on, 67)
2x12 1965 Blackface (57 off, 67)
2x12 1967 Class A-30 (57 on, 57 off, 67) - in top 5
4x12 1967 Green 20s (57 on, 57 off, 67)
4x12 1968 Green 25s (57 on, 67) - in top 5
4x12 1978 Brit Celest T-75s (57 on, 67) - in top 5
4x12 1996 Brit Celest V-30s (all) - in top 5
4x12 2001 Treadplate (all) - in top 5
The only thing i can add about the pod farm cabs, is that even with the treadplate, i cant seem to get the realism that i do with some of my impulses. Have you found that issue?
Well I can't get it to sound 100% real either, but in a mix it's rarely an issue to me, check the song in my signature for example. Sounds good and realistic enough at least for me. Unless I wanted the fucking awful +6khz fizz there. On all the guitar tracks the processing is only Pod Farm -> 4 band EQ (highpass + lowpass and -6dB @500hz on rhythm guitars and on lead guitar there is a cut at 4khz and boost at 3khz to compensate), nothing else and on master bus the only processing is Slate FG-X for some loudness. I find that the treadplate cab sounds a bit muffled in the presence region compared to what I get when compared to my Mesa Dual Rectifier and micing a real cabinet (I just checked the session and I guess thats why I have a +4dB @3khz there), but do note that I only have the regular Pod Farm, not Platinum, and thus I don't even have the Cali Threadplate amp which is the "golden combo", at least with the regular Threadplate it sounds muffled. But for example the 20s, T75 and V30 cabinets sound a lot more brighter and closer to what my amp actually sounds when miced.
I recently got a really thick tone with the Angel P-Ball. My chain kinda looked like: Tubescreamer (15% Drive, 20% Gain, 60% Tone)---> Angel P-Ball (Adjust to taste)-->TreadPlate Cab (condenser mic, 0% room), then EQ and limiting.
My new secret weapon to get rid of the nasty fizzyness on guitars...

- Open PodFarm and put it to the guitar bus
- Add only American Classic (the "API" EQ, it's under "Preamps" on PF1), don't touch any of the knobs
- Done

Optional: If the guitars don't cut thru the mix, move the 3khz knob to +3 or +6, but don't touch any of the other knobs