I knew it...

Isn't one of the purposes of the police to protect? To protect whoever (in this case - leaders of the free world) from possible violent behaviour?

No, it's not.

This has been determined in the courts when people have sued for tardy response to crimes reported to be in progress.

The Police have no obligation or duty to protect any Australian citizen. The courts have decided that the Police's role is a crime solving role, not a protection role...
These protests are pointless. Nothing is acheived when you have a bunch of uncuth, socialist wankers yelling insults and getting violent. I am not a big fan of Howard or Bush but these protests are just embarrasing. They are pointless, they aren't going to change anything.

Finally we agree on something. What's the world coming to :erk:
I like how in France last year there were mass demonstrations and riots over proposed changes to labour laws (similar sort of thing to our WorkChoices, but only affecting those under 26, 2 year trial period where one could be dismissed for no reason, without notice), whereas here in Australia, where the program was much more extensive, all we have had are a few grumblings. If you look at what Labor are going to do with IR, well, sometimes we need to burn a few cars I think.
If you look at what Labor are going to do with IR, well, sometimes we need to burn a few cars I think.

At what Labor is going to do? If Howard stays in, every worker in the country will be forced onto an AWA within five years. Even bosses who don't want to use them will have to to remain competitive. State governments will have to make their workers sign them or the Feds will starve them for money. Even charities will need to use them because it will be too expensive without them. Have you ever read one of these things? Some of them are 30+ pages long and written in legalese so you need a lawyer to understand them. These are just the ones they make 17year old sign.

Do you want to be told you'll have to clock off everytime you go take a shit?
I know what Howard wants to do. I'm suggesting that the current alternative isn't that flash either.
No, no, you misunderstand, I would be happy to burn the car right ways up... Labor still gets my vote, even if through preferences.
If not for wanting to make sure my Liberal vote counts and doesn't get dismissed due to an incorrectly completed formI'd be adding an extra box and voting 1 for Dän :headbang:
If not for wanting to make sure my Liberal vote counts and doesn't get dismissed due to an incorrectly completed formI'd be adding an extra box and voting 1 for Dän :headbang:


One day maybe you will have that opportunity man, one day :headbang: