I know I'm going to be totally hated for this...

But does anyone else see the resemblance?




Don't get me wrong, since I totally love both men, and I always had a bit of a crush on Robin. There is nothing hotter than a guy who makes me laugh (except for a guy with long hair ;)). *ducks and runs for cover*

I was in a car with him and didn't realize who it was. Oh well, that's what I get for being clueless on most of the bands. :D

I kind of had that moment with Zak Steves sitting right next to me while waiting for the shuttle back to the Inn. I knew he was familiar but it took me about 20 minutes before it dawned on me who he was. I think it had more to do with the lack of sleep not going well with a 10 hr concert more than anything, though.
I kind of had that moment with Zak Steves sitting right next to me while waiting for the shuttle back to the Inn. I knew he was familiar but it took me about 20 minutes before it dawned on me who he was. I think it hard more to do with the lack of sleep not going well with a 10 hr concert more than anything, though.

lol, he was standing right next to me for about 5 minutes before it dawned on me. :)

And yes, Metal, you have got it down!! lol WOuldn't have noticed it except for that photo though. (And btw, I ADORE Robin Williams, too.)

I can see that. But the whole time he and I talked I couldn't stop thinking about how he reminded me of an ex-boyfriend of mine named Steve. Mannerisms, facial-structure, soft-spoken... Damien could easily be the portrait of Steve in 10 years! o_O

I have an "oh that's Zak!" story... I'm downstairs standing behind Kate & Corbin from Vainglory, waiting to go into the studio. Suddenly this guy in KISS facepaint starts talking to me and asking me questions, like where I'm from, why do I live in Texas, how did I like it in Colorado.. very inquisitive conversation beyond the usual "so where do you live?" questions. We talk about a number of other things and he seemed really interested the whole time. I had no idea who he was, and with KISS makeup I was clueless. I only figured it out when someone said his name while he was onstage for the Jam! :lol: Must have been a good 10 minutes.. had no clue! :lol:
I've actually been saying this since the Star One DVD came out years ago. Done up in that crazy silver space suit the singers were wearing, he looked like Mork!
On the one hand, you have this multi-talented star who can make you feel good and laugh your ass off...

And on the other hand, you have Robin Williams...