The Official "I'm going to Maryland Deathfest Too!" Thread

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
As a gold badge holder, I will definitely be at ProgPower. In fact, I made a vow after PP6 (my first PP) that I would never miss a ProgPower as long as I could afford to make it.

However, this year's Maryland Deathfest has exceeded all of their previous lineups in terms of quality. Bolt Thrower, Mayhem, Immolation, Marduk, Atheist, Asphyx, Pestilence, Napalm Death, Deströyer 666, and Absu are all bands worthy of their own headlining tours (and there are way more great bands on the lineup)--all will be at MDF this year. This will be an extreme metal festival that will go down in history in North America, and I for one will be in attendance come hell or high water.

Who else will be going? Where are the death/black metal fans on this forum? I know Justin (mosquito) will be going with me. Let me know PP-ers!!!
Paul, Mayhem and Marduk are touring. They're going to be with Cephalic Carnage and Cattle Decap. The tour is going through Atlanta if I recall correctly. You and Ripper are saved on that one!
I will be at both, as I am every year. Since '05 I have made it a habit to attend both festivals, and while they're very different, I have a great time at both.
However, this year's Maryland Deathfest has exceeded all of their previous lineups in terms of quality. Bolt Thrower, Mayhem, Immolation, Marduk, Atheist, Asphyx, Pestilence, Napalm Death, Deströyer 666, and Absu are all bands worthy of their own headlining tours (and there are way more great bands on the lineup)--all will be at MDF this year. This will be an extreme metal festival that will go down in history in North America, and I for one will be in attendance come hell or high water.
It's an intriguing line up for sure.

I was thinking of going pretty much just for D666
I wouldn't go just for them. They'll be at Irving Plaza on August 10th.

Has anyone been to this festival before? What's it like? Do they have an area where you can chill/get away from the madness?


I've seen that a few people who post on this forum and also in this thread have attended MDF before.

Yes, there is an area where people can chill and get away. It contains several couches as well as a bar and a few vendors. There's a similar room packed with vendors (and a bar) but no couches. The main room houses the stage and contains a large bar and a smaller one. This room also has many vendors.

To get away people also sit outside on the grass, curb, sidewalk, or even in the parking lot in or around their cars. Outside there's also a food vendor or two serving decent-at-best quality food (burgers, gyros, fries, etc). Within walking distance are a few restaurants, and the Inner Harbor is a bit farther but not too bad, but expect to miss a band if you make the walk.

There's usually a setup time of 20 minutes between bands, and the set times get longer later in the day as the bigger name acts start to take the stage. By 1 or 2am everyone is exhausted, but not too tired to find a hotel party and catch up with friends.
Yeah. What ratanda said. I think it's a great festival. Not as classy as ProgPower per se, but the staff is great and the vendors area is very large and appropriate for the event.
Has anyone been to this festival before? What's it like? Do they have an area where you can chill/get away from the madness?


I take a huge cooler loaded with food and beer. Between bands I go outside and drink and eat while a band I don't care to see is playing. It's definitely a unique experience and there are lots of people there to share a beer with.