I like the fact that CT's blondness indicates aryan purity

Well, then how does speed know they were members of the Nazi party? (which happens to be the definition of "nazi" and also what I meant, dumbass) I'm just curious here and also hoping for a tiny bit of pwning in case he just assumes every german who was an adult around 130-1945 was a nazi. Sure, they probably were but I still want endless amounts of pretty much unnecessary info.
fotmbm said:
!1 (exciting, huh) There's been NO evidence of his death save a russian soldier who said he burned Adolf and Eva Hitler's (They married, you know) bodies and that nothing remained... Strange, I'd think at least bones and teeth (which could reveal his identity later) would remain after a regular funeral pyre built on what a regular soldier could find then and there.

hm, i'm not sure if you're serious or not, but hitlers skelleton was found and taken by the russians together with the remains of goebbles and later burried on a drive way (yes i am not kidding) in a small town. some years later it was exumed and destroyed by the russian government.
Erik said:
...and the evidence for this having really happened is what exactly? I don't know about you, but just about the last entity I would ever trust is the Russian government.

well where i heard/saw this was a documentary years ago, and there they spoke to a person who had worked as an interpretor for some high-ranking russian commander during the last days of berlin. she had joined him as he went to the bunker and saw the ditches where the bodies had been burned and she also was given the "käkben" of hitler to deliver to some dentist/doctor for identification to make sure it was hitler. apparently it was and thus you have more than just the government claiming it.

i can't give you any reference to books etc, but there you go
No its totally true, in fact my grandfather has alot of awards and medals, pictures, press clippings etc, given to him by his uncle- who was the Colonel
I know he got shot down over Poland in the last days of the war, and being an officer, he was one of the few that was treated nicely and released by the Russians. They were a pretty well off family in Germany- which is probably why they went so high up.

Im sure other Americans German families had the same kind of situation happen- but they just didnt keep in contact with their family in Germany.
I think my German side came to the US sometime in the late 1800's, one day I'll do the whole family tree thing and find out which 14th cousins twice removed were Nazis.
Aryan, Negro, Mongol.... we borg are the true communists of the world and anyone can join! except we sort of have to give you implants and shit to take away your free will. Then there has to be an aspiring maniacal dictator of the universe. That's where I come in...
Erik said:
Well shit, he said one of them was a LUFTWAFFE COLONEL. That's not just your average german. Dumbass.
Sure, he was more successful than most, but neither the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe nor Kriegsmarine were strictly nazi parts of the army, that one would be SA and SS. Of course someone could get a good place and many medals without being a nazi if he was just a good soldier/officer. Still no proof here, all I'm seeing is prejudice. Not that there's anything wrong with prejudices.
For an example, panzer general Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel
actually was an anti-nazi. True, he was encouraged by Adolf to commit suicide towards the end of the was but was buried with full military honours and I believe Hitler himself attended the funeral.
Ill have to ask my 89 year old grandfather and grandmother about what kind of Nazi my great uncle was. I dont think he was too gung ho. I know my great grandfather- his brother was a very cultured individual who followed opera, the symphony- all excellent in Cincy by the way. I was forced to go as a little kid, and ended up loving the symphony and opera. I think my Nazi uncle was just doing the family duty, I know my grandparents have all the letters in German. Personally I have found all this history fascinitaitng, and I read nazi history, tv programs, and well I somewhat symnpathize with the Germans. sorry for saying this, I would never be a Nazi, but you know, its interesting.
I'm also a keen student of WWII, especially the European part. I would think most ambitious men would sign up for the nazi party even if they didn't particularly believe in it; it would only be an aid to career advancement. Guys like Rommel were exceptions, because their sheer ability made them invaluable, at least before he was vaguely implicated in the death plot of hitler.
and any young guy coming into his teens in the 30s would have been a virtual automatic addition to the hitler youth; mere peer pressure would have taken care of that.
This thread reminds me of a classmate in my High School. She told us of her dad who admired Hitler. Apparently, Adolf did a lot of stuff for their country and all the schools back then praised Hitler.

She would have been highly interested in this thread.
yesterday I left my bunker in Idaho (all the white supremicists up here love me! its been very encouraging) for my first campaign stop. It went fine until some woman handed me her baby to kiss and I accidentally bit it in the head.