I like this idea of taxing the rich....

But Mccain is going to keep racking up more and more debt with his absurd Iraq war strategy, atleast Obama wants to get us out of there and focus more on Afghanistan, and theres no real reason to stay in Iraq--the iraqi population wants us out, and theres no real oil gain for us. The only ones that want our military to stay there are Mccain and the islamic terrorists that are using it as another rallying point for their cause

Thank you for your input, but just because the name "John" and the word "Cunt" appears in the text doesn't mean we're talking about the election.

For those of you who prefer reality over rhetoric, here is a break down of the tax plans:


So, let's see: Both, like every presidential candidate outside of Steve Forbes who proposed a flat tax, support progressive taxation. Both give back tax credits to people who probably don't make enough to pay taxes, and yet you people drool on about Obama socialism. It's fucking retarded. At least be consistent: progressive taxation is a form of socialism, so why not call both of them on it?
We can debate the proper rate for the rich, which is where they disagree, but if you think either's tax plans will make a difference in your life, you are sadly mistaken.

Look at what board this is. People here still think Obama is a terrorist and that his tax plan = communism because he actually wants to give a tax cut to the middle class instead of giving yet another one to the wealthy. Wow! What a dick!