i love my phiolsophy class...

havent read it, but my teacher (have him for this class and an intro class i had last semester) recommended it and brought it up in some of his lessons in the first class. i honestly dont remember what it was about though

Well your teacher recommended a great book, and i am glad he did, cause its an awesome book, when you get a chance take a look at it. It's about this girl that gets letters from a stranger...thats all im gonna say. You have to find out man, the things it covers keeps you reading and reading.
that book sounds really interesting.

update: my teacher loved the paper and was very intrigued. i actually told him to check out the DNB lyrics and he's fascinated with them. he wanted to meet with me to discuss them, so will and i are gonna talk with him on friday afternoon.
boy is he going to be disappointed when he's expecting to bang some ripe college bitch and you bring your pet wendigo.