Wolff said:
Yeah listening to Mist right now. I'm in a fucken trance.

So am I...o_O

I was just blasting Emperor on full bore and I can't believe how much mellower and beautiful Opeth is in contrast...:tickled:

I love Emperor for other reasons, such as kicking my ass and me enjoying it...I dunno, Opeth just has the best melodicism ever. :p
Yes, man. Opeth is incredible. They are definitely one of the best bands out there right now. Probably my personal favorite.

I have been into them for a while and I have turned several people on to them within the past couple of years. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was first getting into Opeth, so I could be naive and experience the greatness all over again. God dammit, now I sound like a hopeless fan boy.
Opeth are prolly the reason I live. I live for music and they own it so well. They make me hate other bands and other types of music because they are just so damn perfect. Progressive is just so stale now. Death metal has no originality to it anymore. Black metal is burning itself out. Opeth remains and continues their conquest of the music world. Mikael's vision of music is just Divine in every way. I love Opeth and Mikael is the greatest! If anyone from Texas is interested in coming along to Boston for the Opeth+PT show...post up!
DreamingofUr said:
Opeth are prolly the reason I live. I live for music and they own it so well. They make me hate other bands and other types of music because they are just so damn perfect. Progressive is just so stale now. Death metal has no originality to it anymore. Black metal is burning itself out. Opeth remains and continues their conquest of the music world. Mikael's vision of music is just Divine in every way. I love Opeth and Mikael is the greatest! If anyone from Texas is interested in coming along to Boston for the Opeth+PT show...post up!
Biggest fanboy ever. Believe it or not, as much as I enjoy Opeth, they're not the only band worth listening to. You need some serious help, so if you want I can list a few bands (that aren't satanic) you may not be familiar with.

[Edit: Welcome to the board, by the way. I do realise all I have done is argue with your points so far, hehe.]
That I am am indeed! Thanks for the title of "biggest"! There is no better band. I am well informed on all metal sub genres and I only seem to be uncovering more crap than good. I am a huge fan of flawless production and of dynamics. So if any of the bands you speak of have less than 6 riffs a song or sing only with growls...I'd rather not hear it. If they ever use foul language in their music and have little emotion then no thanks buddy! Thanks for the compliments too!
DreamingofUr said:
That I am am indeed! Thanks for the title of "biggest"! There is no better band. I am well informed on all metal sub genres and I only seem to be uncovering more crap than good. I am a huge fan of flawless production and of dynamics. So if any of the bands you speak of have less than 6 riffs a song or sing only with growls...I'd rather not hear it. If they ever use foul language in their music and have little emotion then no thanks buddy! Thanks for the compliments too!

Define flawless. Opeth's first two albums don't exactly have the thickest production. Go and listen to pop music if you want crystal clear production.

It's pitiful the way you dismiss every song with less than six riffs and no clean vocals.

If you are so well informed on all metal sub-genres, you should know that a minor precentage of bands use swear words in their songs. Does it matter if bands occasionally swear, anyway?

To quote a funny man: The ignorance is extreme.