I love TOP RAMEN!!!!!

Maybe it is the noodles, maybe it's the pork flavor. Who knows?, but i love me some top ramen. I find it to be the perfect food. It is cheap. It is tasty. It's friendly. It's playful. Likes long walks on the beach. Soft like a lady. Smells like spring. You know? It's man best friend.

If i were standed on an island with one selection of food, i would bring hot cheetos. ...Oh yeah, Top Ramen. If you share this same passion for this wonderfull joy of soupy life. Please share your thoughts.

I would like to start off a line of a poem for my top ramen goddess.

Oh wonderful wet noodle, how you bring me joy
Your hair like a poodle, I think me eats you with soy...:Spin:

Will the next poster add two lines and so on....
Try some better Ramens. Since you live in So. Cal, go to your 99 Ranch Market and get yourself some imported Ramen from Taiwan or Japan. They are about $0.79 to $1 each. Believe me, they're better than Top Ramen.
hmm, I think we figured out that there were two basic flavors to ramen. Beef-like flavors and chicken-like flavors. It's nice and cheap tho, and tastes good so long as you eat other things besides it. (ugh, I ate nothing but ramen for dinner for like a week one time)
Arch said:
Try some better Ramens. Since you live in So. Cal, go to your 99 Ranch Market and get yourself some imported Ramen from Taiwan or Japan. They are about $0.79 to $1 each. Believe me, they're better than Top Ramen.

Ohh you are talking about those ones with the crazy ass flavors. Yeah, those are good too...Hmmm maybe i should try a mixer one of these days...lol

But you the problem is...draging myself to those 99 cent stores.....*puts on gloves*....
after, my friend. after. :) (or to be more specific, with the noodles)

i like it because it adds bulk and nutrition to an otherwise empty meal.
Ethereal Deliverance said:
Ohh you are talking about those ones with the crazy ass flavors. Yeah, those are good too...Hmmm maybe i should try a mixer one of these days...lol

But you the problem is...draging myself to those 99 cent stores.....*puts on gloves*....

No, not 99 Cent stores. 99 Ranch Market, it's a Ranch Market catered to Asian folks (mostly in L.A. and Orange County areas)