The 'I love ProTools' thread

yes, it looks like a pencil tool and i just draw it across the duration that i want my chosen note value to fill-in... so if i want 4 bars of 16th not clicks i just select the CND tool, choos 16th's as my duration, and drag it across C1 in the piano roll for 4 bars... quick and easy.
What I mean is you have the line tool selected under the pencil options, AND the custom note duration. If you change the line tool to the freehand tool but still leave custom note duration checked off does it still let you swipe notes like that? It's irrelevant really because I am on PT8 and I've figured out how it works in PT8 at least, just curious I guess.
no... you use the regular line-tool with the CND selected... free hand will just draw a single note of whatever length you choose, even with CND chosen.
it's a series of vids actually... and i do believe you can do the same or similar.

i use the regular edit window because i'm still on PTHD 7.4.2... still holding off on 8.

and yeah, it's easy to make the rows wider... use the Horizontal Zoom controls, right above the preset Zoom buttons, and to the right of the Mode buttons. there's one for audio, and one for midi.

Blimey and i thought i held off for a long time!
you known they've fixed the scroll issue...AGAIN what are your reservations?
I don't really have any massive problems, one or two niggles, but with things like playlist view etc, i feel ive gained more than id be losing!
Good point Joey, some guys are creating custom maps per session based on the drummers kit with their own samples and setting it up in Battery or Kontakt, so it is a bit tricky then... There's no reason not to allow note naming in the piano roll really.
by the way... dont mean to preach to the choir here; but there is a cs 1 update for 8.01 which fixes the FUCKING SCROLLING ISSUE!
Good point Joey, some guys are creating custom maps per session based on the drummers kit with their own samples and setting it up in Battery or Kontakt, so it is a bit tricky then... There's no reason not to allow note naming in the piano roll really.


and with a massive company like digidesign, i doubt its easy to request this.

which is why i'll probably still use cubase for something
i guess the discrepancy here is that i never use midi cymbals for real productions... only pre-pro... and the Extended GM is good enough for that.. it's all i need to know. album productions are always live, real, cymbals for me.
i guess the discrepancy here is that i never use midi cymbals for real productions... only pre-pro... and the Extended GM is good enough for that.. it's all i need to know. album productions are always live, real, cymbals for me.

same here, except when not possible

and yes, some people put themselves in this situation (drummer doesnt know the songs, someone programs them prior)
i guess the discrepancy here is that i never use midi cymbals for real productions... only pre-pro... and the Extended GM is good enough for that.. it's all i need to know. album productions are always live, real, cymbals for me.

Interesting, I'm curious to know what your usual pre-prod session entails. Programming drums so the drummer then learns it?
noob question about beat detective :

after seeing kenny gioias dvds i understand how to use beat detective in collection mode.
this should be good enough for less complex music genres...

but i´ve seen that for metal almost everyone quantize the kick separately from the rest of the drums

is there something special i should do/know or
should i just do it "normally" using two different groups (kick and rest of the drums) ???
So basically the order would be :


Turn on the "all drums" group
select the bars you want to edit in slip mode

open BD
and hit capture selection

turn off "all drums" group

select the snare track
put the triggers with BD

turn on the "everything but kick" group

separate and conform

select kick track

open BD
put the triggers
separate and conform

turn off "everything but kick" group
turn on "all drums" group

open BD
smooth ---> fill and crossfade

please correct me if there is something wrong
If Tetris were a midi app, it probably would be better than PT midi... It's a lovely multitrack but i'm waiting midi improvements to use it...
so, how bad is the midi part of PT 8 really?

basically, i'm never programming stuff in the piano roll from scratch.
instead, i'll very often export midi data from guitar pro (as i write all my songs in that programm) and import that into reaper...most of the time it's either drums or additional synth stuff.
with drums i have a set template for SSD 3.0, with synths there's obviously just the sampler on a midi track thats it.
after importing, there are only a few tweaks to do, like changing some of the rides from "ride edge" to "ride tip" or sth, adding cymbal chokes, playing with velocities/humanization.

that's pretty much all i'm doing as far as midi is concerned.

my question is: would this work equally well in PT 8?
it's not bad it's just people that are so used to cubase and think is the best solution on earth.
Always programmed a shitload of stuff, tracked from basic stuff to a kit with real cymbals and Superior 2.0, no problems at all.
I tried almost every daw and PT is just the best to me (don't be offended I said to me...)
If Tetris were a midi app, it probably would be better than PT midi... It's a lovely multitrack but i'm waiting midi improvements to use it...

you are just plain wrong about that one, period, full stop.

PT midi, since 7.4, is excellent, and with PT8 it's on a par with every other midi package currently available, save for (and very debatably) the lack of of a dedicated drum map editor. and i've been using midi since 1986, and on every well known editor available for Mac, and quite a few on PC.

sounds to me like you haven't learned any midi features of PT midi since 6.x

and again.. i'd love to hear about... in fact i challenge anyone to present... a single thing regarding midi in any other DAW, other than the above mentioned midi drum map omission... that is not implemented in PT today. i don't believe there's anything of significance that can be pointed out at all, but i'd love to be proven wrong... because it'll mean i'll learn about something i don't currently do.. and that's always a good thing.