Sell me on Reaper

oh god.....and i just spent like 30 hours editing drums by hand in reaper

If only i'd seen that video, i'd written off that transient split thing coz i couldn't get the hang of it but now i seeeeee

*smashes laptop on face*


Well now you know atleast!

I'd like that guy to make more tutorials, I really like his way of doing it and it's interesting to listen to.

But of course, NO ONE can beat our very own Waterboy when it comes to tutorials :D That is just pure godly man.
this mother banger shows you how to do it! He's a cool guy, edits drums and doesn't afraid of anything. He has more vids too!

My God, what a convoluted and half-arsed method of drum editing... That was almost painful to watch. The amount of processes required, and then the amount of manual editing on top of that...

Well, if anything, this proves ProTools ist krieg and I need to start saving up for that HD system...

Thank you all very much for making this thread so informative.
My God, what a convoluted and half-arsed method of drum editing... That was almost painful to watch. The amount of processes required, and then the amount of manual editing on top of that...

Well, if anything, this proves ProTools ist krieg and I need to start saving up for that HD system...

Thank you all very much for making this thread so informative.

Uhh... well, you're welcome! :)

I'm not gonna defend Reaper or anything but I can only see Reaper growing over time, but for a professional like you I understand that you don't need something that grows, you need something that is already grown and ready (that can be taken out of context sooo easily).
My God, what a convoluted and half-arsed method of drum editing... That was almost painful to watch. The amount of processes required, and then the amount of manual editing on top of that...

Well, if anything, this proves ProTools ist krieg and I need to start saving up for that HD system...

Thank you all very much for making this thread so informative.

Haha. Well, this is no surprise really. You were talking about how great editing is in PT, and then said that cost was no issue, and finding a stable/good DAW was.

I've used PT, but never really for durm editing. What exactly is it that you find so simple about it compared to other DAWs? Once again, Sonar might be the ticket.
I've used PT, but never really for durm editing. What exactly is it that you find so simple about it compared to other DAWs? Once again, Sonar might be the ticket.

The great thing about drum editing with PT is this:

-You group the drums.
-You select the drum section you want to edit.
-Hit ctrl + numpad 8.

This brings up (ideally) the only window you will need for the entire process.

From here you:

-Hit 'capture selection'
-Select which note values are contained within.

From here you:

-Select 'Region Separation'
-Set resolution to 'Sub-beats'
-Set desired Analysis method.
-Set Sensitivity
-Hit Separate

Now you have all the drums split at the appropriate transients, after going through what are 5 entirely logical processes, ALL contained within the one window. Awesome.

From here you:

-Select 'Region Conform'
-Select your desired 'Strength' rating
-Hit Conform

Now your drums have been quantized to the grid. Super!


-Go to 'Edit Smoothing'
-Select 'Fill and Crossfade'
-Select 3 to 5ms.
-Hit Smooth.

At this point, if your drummer isn't a piece of shit and your recording has been captured with a good amount of separation, that's it. Your drum editing for that section is done. All done within one little window with 3 tabs on the side. If something has fucked up, it's usually a fairly simple matter of getting up in there and fixing it up manually with the smart tool and assortment of keyboard shortcuts at your disposal.

The amazing thing is that the new Elastic Audio is even quicker and easier to use than that. The drawback is that it sounds like shit. If they ever get that sorted, they will have something to supersede Beat Detective, whilst all the other DAWs are still trying to match it...
Still preaching in the desert but:

(ok the example sound like shit but still....)
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Stable and really good in my (small) experience. It's somewhere between Cubase and PT. It even has a midi drum editor. The interface is nice and customizable... etc. I think you can demo it for 30 days.

This is how it's done with a more up to date version of reaper than the one in the other vid. But it's still not the current version, a lot of stuff has changed

The process in this vid seems to take less time than the one you detailed in your post moonlapse, although i haven't counted

BTW the noise gate isn't strictly necessary but it can help
I went to a week-long audio camp at a university where they had chosen Samplitude as their DAW. It seemed really cool. That was 4 or 5 years ago, though.

Here's a short video demonstrating Sonar's Audiosnap for drums: [ame][/ame]

it's not the best video, but it's one of the first ones I found.
Okay, so thanks to you guys I'll give Sonar and Samplitude a spin. I've used Sonar at a client's before and can't say I was overly impressed with the workflow, but I'm still willing to give it a good bash.
Okay, so thanks to you guys I'll give Sonar and Samplitude a spin. I've used Sonar at a client's before and can't say I was overly impressed with the workflow, but I'm still willing to give it a good bash.

I use sonar and for what it's worth, once you get used to the workflow, it is amazing.

I don't understand any of these "this daw has a shit workflow" thing... everything sucks till you get used to it... I can fire round sonar using keyboard shortcuts in seconds doing what i need... stick me on Pro Tools with a "Better work flow" and i'd be like a hungry child with oven gloves trying to open a can of beans!
I googled SAWStudio, saw THIS and got very frightened:


Can't imagine looking at that in excess of 8 hours a day!
THE HORROR!!!!! :lol: People always bitch about Reaper's stock skin, but I have no problems with it, all those shades of gray and green are soothing, IMO. Though I'm pretty certain you could get other skins for SAW as well ;)