Here's my two cents about Reaper.
I found this app really promising. It has some really incredible features, most are really simple details but that can do a lot of difference. Some of the cool stuff that comes in my mind
- the well known routing matrix
- the ability to just move your insert fxs to one slot to another by just click-dragging (ok, I am a cubase/nuendo user since years and one thing that i hate about those apps is when you want to insert stuff between two fxs so you have to save presets, mount fxs again... ugh...)
- nice simple humanize options for midi editing (usefull for drums)
and overall lots of other small things that really are worth the money for now.
Btw, this is my gui arranged in a more "classic" way (I admit that the first negative thing you will face in Reaper is the default gui you have when you launch the app) (huge image)
But. I must admit I haven't switched to Reaper because of the most important thing it should do ok but I can't say it's 100% perfect: stability.
I spent some time customizing as much stuff as I could, get acquainted to new navigation system etc.. It looks all promising, then I loaded Revalver on a track... Playied 30 secs, BAM Reaper crashed... Uh... Well... Restarted, loaded another ampsim, some shredding BAM Reaper crashed again...
So I just decided to wait for Reaper 3 for a full switch.
On the other hand, I just prepared another system with Windows 7, so I'll give Reaper another try in a 64 bit environment with at least 6 gigs of ram, hope it works...