Sell me on Reaper

Yeah, the Cubase drum editor is priceless. Especially when you're transposing midi files from DFHS to Addicitve to Slate, vice versa.
Marcus, make sure when you are dragging to overlap that BOTH items are selected. If both are selected it will move the beginning/end of the item you aren't manually moving automatically. If you only have one item selected when you extend the length of something then it will overlap the way you don't want it to.
Hmm, but the problem there Adam is that with both regions selected, extending the end of one will also extend the end of the other, which definitely isn't a workable solution...
Yeah, I'm assuming and hoping it's some box that has to be unchecked lurking in some options window or another - I just gotta find it! :erk:
The only way I can get it to behave the way you want it to is to drag the ends of the items until they are touching, THEN select both items and drag at the split. For some reason doing it that way doesn't cause the ends you aren't touching to jump around. Really stupid.
Splat88 said:
Holy shit, those are exactly the main things that bug me about Cubase/Nuendo. As irritating as these are, I find it far more irritating to mix in Reaper
Far Far FAAARRRR Way..... The Nuendo system is so unconfortably, that makes me wondering how many time the developers had using it....

Moonlapse said:
Fuck me, that's going right in the signature.
Thank you....uhauhaua but this words never had this meaning without Steinberg work!!! Hail to Steinberg....

But that's a joke...Nuendo isn't's a pretty good system....but Reaper is the one.
If Reaper is that good with 3mb, with 20mb or 30mb i'm sure that Reaper could cook for you and clean your bathroom.

PS: i'm not from cockos, and i don't know nobody there...ehehe... i just like Reaper...
From what I recall, the JS versions of Stilwells' plugins use the same basic algorithms. But due to the limitations of the JS format they lack certain advanced features such as lookahead.

Oh... really? If they lack stuff like that (and who knows what else), JS effects just suddenly dropped in value for me :(

Oh well... might just buy the non-commercial version of a few plugs at first, then upgrade to commercial if I need to... guess it should be possible, would be stupid not to be able to upgrade.

Although, I wonder if GClip isn't rivaling Event Horizon already though, what could possible be worth the $50 I need to spend on Event Horizon that GClip doesn't have?

Oops sorry, I'm just thinking out loud here, not trying to go off topic... too much... :D
I think people who don't like Reaper's MIDI either a) have had it crash on them with a lot of VSTi's or b) are whining cuz they're naked and helpless without the Cubase drum editor
By The Cubase/Nuendo drum editor you mean those diamond shapes? Reaper has it. Or triangles if you prefer. Or the traditional piano roll. These are the 3 view options.

The main tool I'm missing at the moment is a Beat-Detective clone but other than that I am extremely happy.
Well, I never used the true Beat Detective, but as far as I know it's just a tool to help editing drums, right? I use Reaper's semi-auto slicing and audio quantizing instead. Only takes me a few seconds and then I check the whole song for any flaws on the previous operations - I guess people who use Beat Dectective also do this last step, don't they?
I debated picking up a new PC and Reaper for my new PC.But honestly decided to save a little longer and get a MacPro and Logic.

I know if I went with the PC and Reaper(cheap) I'd be kicking myself later
Hell if I know! I just know there's a whole bunch o' dat shiat included in Reaper so why not use 'em :) But since they seem... err well, sucky, I'm not sure I will =)

I've tried them once... but I was experiencing some stress at the time, so I haven't paid much attention. DO THEY suck ? the sound I mean... maybe it's good... it's free... :goggly:
I posted my question (that I addressed in my short video on the previous page) on the Reaper forum - so far I've only gotten one response, which I knew was inevitable: "why do you want to do that? Just do it this way" :rolleyes: DON'T QUESTION ME, JUST TELL ME IF IT'S POSSIBLE OR NOT!! :mad: :D (I've been doing it in PT and Cubase for years, and it's how I'm comfortable, and works for me!)
this mother banger shows you how to do it! He's a cool guy, edits drums and doesn't afraid of anything. He has more vids too!

oh god.....and i just spent like 30 hours editing drums by hand in reaper

If only i'd seen that video, i'd written off that transient split thing coz i couldn't get the hang of it but now i seeeeee

*smashes laptop on face*