The 'I love ProTools' thread

Fact is: Pro-Tools still has a bit of catching up in the MIDI department compared to the competition.
not a fact at all.. it's an opinion. period. i've already made the case that drum editors are not a necessity for efficiency, they are a preference. and that's a fact. case and point: i PREFER not to use them.. and i'm quite efficient while not using them.

i'd love to hear about anything OTHER than drum-map editors that clearly shows that any of the major DAWs are better than any of the others in regards to MIDI.
not a fact at all.. it's an opinion. period. i've already made the case that drum editors are not a necessity for efficiency, they are a preference. and that's a fact. case and point: i PREFER not to use them.. and i'm quite efficient while not using them.

i'd love to hear about anything OTHER than drum-map editors that clearly show that any of the major DAWs are better than any of the others in regards to MIDI.

One thing I did like about Logic was the hyper editor that allowed you to enter notes and adjust their velocity all with the same click on the same grid, would be a cool feature to add to PT, unless I'm missing a way to do it already.
you mean as in not having to change the view from "notes" to "velocity"? the new midi editor window in PT8 apparently does that... unless i completely misunderstood the vid i watched about it on Digi's site.
you mean as it not having to change the view from "notes" to "velocity"? the new midi editor window in PT8 apparently does that... unless i completely misunderstood the vid i watched about it on Digi's site.

Well the Logic feature gives you one grid where the heights of the MIDI blocks you enter represent the velocity, so you click to place the note and while the mouse is still held down you can drag up or down to set the velocity of that note, pretty quick for trying to program human sounding fills and stuff. Haven't seen the vid on Digi's site, will take a look for it.

Do you do most of your MIDI editing in the MIDI editor itself or in the edit window just set to notes view? The rows are so tiny in notes view that I find it a bit challenging, not sure if there's a way to make them wider?
it's a series of vids actually... and i do believe you can do the same or similar.

i use the regular edit window because i'm still on PTHD 7.4.2... still holding off on 8.

and yeah, it's easy to make the rows wider... use the Horizontal Zoom controls, right above the preset Zoom buttons, and to the right of the Mode buttons. there's one for audio, and one for midi.
Ah slick, I knew about that now that you mention it but slipped my mind...

Is there a way to click and drag to draw a string of notes like you could in FL? Quicker for drawing in double bass or any sections really where there's a burst of more than 2 notes...

Also, can't find these PT8 videos on the Digi site, interested in checking them out if you have a link.
Is there a way to click and drag to draw a string of notes like you could in FL? Quicker for drawing in double bass or any sections really where there's a burst of more than 2 notes...PT8 videos on the Digi site, interested in checking them out if you have a link.

yes, the Custom Note Duration Pencil

under the pencil tool, last option.
i should have made an ass-hat in my home haberdashery pro tip thread. :p

you have to click one of the topics on the lower part of the page to get to the DigiTV player that has all the vids.
well it's not an icon.. it's in text at the bottom of the other option icons there under the pencil tool... weird choice, but yeah.. it's there... in 7.4.2 anyway
I just get this...


The line, triangle, square and random pencil tools all allow me to draw strings of notes while the regular pencil tool draws them with a duration.
Got it sorted, custom note duration and velocity are both available as their own drop down menus on the tool bar now, just not labeled with any text so I didn't notice.

Murph, it's the line tool that you have selected that's allowing you to "paint" notes like that no? Not the custom note duration option itself?