my mom still thought it was a pentagram. she asked me if i worshiped satan. i told her...MA, its not upside down. then she was like thank god, jesus will find you.
haha yeh. i was thinking of getting the dimmu style pentagram really huge on my back. i also do not worship satan, but pentagrams are so fuckin cool lookin haha. it would probably cost a lot of cash though. damn expensive tattoos.
That's a good point. Otherwise, how's He gonna know who needs to be found? I've never done anything to make anyone think that I'm any less than a holy roller, but I have a tendency to make people think I'm Satanic. In face my mother has asked me if Alexi Laiho is some kind of demon. I also have a tendancy to make people think I'm gay...
Most of them are girls... Maybe that's the trick! Pretend you're gay, and since you're inaccessible, they want you! So that's what I've been doing wrong all this time!
But then I would be accessible for you, if I were gay, and so then it would contradict... actually nevermind, I'm not going to waste time trying to figure it out. After all, we're just keepin' it gay.
hoyly fuck yhou guys wouldn't believe how drunk i am tis ridiculosu so let me now explain i'm at htis partyh and mostly owld people like 40+ and there's this sthitty ass fucking band and i'm like good god coald this band suck more please i wanna shit on my own face
so nnow i'm on msn / icq trying to convicne people to gjion us cause fquike frankly i'm gonna stick my dick in a vigina tonight and thats not up for debate
k i better go thanks guyhs thanks especially to kirtby you are special
now i'am so durnk you wouldn'
t believe it theres a girl talking abon the phone besid eme i 'd on't know tha wat the cuck i 'm doing
1. vodeka
2. fireball
3. beer
4. rum
5. smirnoff
5 what the fck
holy shit what thef fuck