I made a shootout between the peavey 6505 and Bugera 6262

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
....at my local music-stor (amptown in Hamburg germany)

We played both amps with a mesa overzised 4x12


the bugera sounds like a fucking peavey!!!!!
The knobs react slightly different but the tone is 90% the same.

The real deal has a little more low-end bass power (which you dont realy need)
and the bugera has a little bit more gain.

But the difference is small!!!!!

I think I´ll buy one of these babies and then I promise I´ll make a MIC´ed shootout for you
I'm hopefully gonna be getting a shot of recording a 6262 this weekend, a dude that was rehearsing in the studio the other day had one and let me have a quick try of it, said he'd bring it in for a couple of hours this weekend so I could try recording it. Seemed very very good for the quick try I had of it through a shitty marshall valvestate cab.
Yeah there's been a view videos on youtube (particularly one that got me so fucking annoyed because the guy talked slowly and wouldn't get to the fucking point) demonstrating and discussing these amps but i've heard they arent very reliable and break loads and loads of components need replaced alot. I wonder if the power amp/pre-amp sections are immitating the schematics of the 5150/6505 with cheaper components to cut cost and boost sales.
That's what I've been saying: the 6505 has a bit more punch and clarity, but it's nowhere near a 900,- Euro difference in sound. Not even close...
900 Euros? Damn, it's like $650 here (which is still pretty big, but that assumes you're buying new, and if it's an older Peavey, why would you? :D)

EDIT: Make that $500, Musicians Fiend now charges an even $1k for the 6505 head! :yow: Wonder when that happened?)
do the 6260 and the 6262 have the same lead sound?

I think yes, but I could be wrong....

the sound difference with the mesa cab wasnt like A is better then B,
it was like B sounded like 5% different to A but in NO BAD WAY.
Yeah there's been a view videos on youtube (particularly one that got me so fucking annoyed because the guy talked slowly and wouldn't get to the fucking point) demonstrating and discussing these amps but i've heard they arent very reliable and break loads and loads of components need replaced alot. I wonder if the power amp/pre-amp sections are immitating the schematics of the 5150/6505 with cheaper components to cut cost and boost sales.

That would make sense, this company is owned by Behringer :ill:

I've heard nothing but good about the tone of these amps though.
Problems in Greece too (all heads pulled back for repair)...

Good to know their 2009 models are reliable though- I absolutely love my 6262 and will certainly invest on a 2nd bug (when I'm 101% sure their reliability issues have been ironed out).
My first run 333 is still going strong, been on tour, lots of shows now, tons of studio use and practice use... worst I had was a fuse went out on me because of faulty wiring in the place we use to practice at.
To be honest if it's just going to sound like a peavey i'd rather pay the couple of hundred $$$ more to have a REAL peavey amp made by a reliable company,with a great reputation for solid amps.