I must have done something really good in a past life to deserve this...


safe in the cornfields
Well, if you remember...I was trying my damndest to score a photo pass for the Bodom show. Well, after three weeks of the grueling wait...I not only have a ticket, and the photo pass offer, but a live interview.

Yes. I am getting to interview the boys(or one of the boys) come April 30th. I have my tape recorder, and I didn't expect to get this as well; it looks like CM is sticking up for the little guy here(read; an independent non profit publication).

Needless to say, after a 14 hour shift, coming home and seeing this email made me quite possibly one of the happiest people around right now. I'm a music fan as well as a work for free journalist as you all know; as far as I am concerned the more I can help a band out the better; just getting to shoot shows/do interviews/ and say thanks for everything is all I need really.

Tomorrow there will be much rejoicing, in the form of vodka. :D

I figured I'd have to tell you guys the good news first.
hehe...thanks guys. It means a lot. :kickass: It'll be my 4th in person interview by the look of this; so I might need the luck, hehe...at least it will be easy for me to deliver the gift(the booze, hehe) I wanted to! No band I appreciate will be stuck drinking the cheap swill the venues supply if I can help it! :D(unless they LIKE said cheap swill...)
Veery nice!
I told ya

thanks again! hehe...I have a good collection of questions to ask. I hope to be able to snap a couple photos of whoever I'm interviewing to add to the interview. Rest assured i"ll be on it transcribing it that night. :D

i'm just happy CM decided to support the little guy here. Usually for big shows(IE headlining) the only people that get passes are journalists from the big mags. I am still really hyped.
Hehe...ok, I pretty much have the questions together...wanted to prepare beforehand as i always do with in person interviews(this being my fourth in person one, and my biggest yet...and I lost track of how many email ones I did, lol.) Of course I will probably come up with other stuff before then.
My main concern is just finding a place to do the interview. My contact said I had to call that day and set a time and a place; I was just going to take the interviewee(s-i don't know who is doing the interviews or how many, probably won't know till day of so I am making the questions pretty much ones answerable by anyone) to a quieter diner(not as much noise in the background on the tape) and treat 'em to lunch over the interview or something. There are a couple cool diners not too far from the venue; during the day neither are too busy(and one has a jukebox that's packed with 80s metal. :D) Then again the bus might work just as fine. I figure some free chow for the interviewees might be cool though. :D

Well closer to crunch time i'll let ya all know how it pans out; and you'll all be the first to read it; don't worry. :D
i got your package by the way....awesome shit. thanks again and good luck with the interview
thank you all once more. :D I talked to the CM contact today for the first time on the phone; he's very nice and was so helpful to me here. As for booze; well, you all know my plans there. Granted carrying the case and the extra stuff is going to be hard but worth it in the end upon delivery. Hey, to a band that hits the road for weeks carrying 30 pounds a few blocks is nothing. :D