I need a new home cd changer....

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Any suggestions? I don't know if there is any big differences between the brands at all. I'm not very acclimated with the whole tech market jargon crapola...shit. My Kenwood 5 disc changer has been proggressively getting more and more fucked up since about 6 months ago when I kicked off my boot and it went flying into the control panel. oops. :tickled:
For years I used my old Playstation, then I finally upgraded. With a PS2. :loco:

When it comes to electronics I go Sony and Panasonic pretty much exclusively. JVC and Kenwood on occasion, like if I find a good deal.
Doomcifer said:
shit, i forgot about this thread already. :lol:

Lurch, any input!?

hehehe ... guess I am the RC official deal finder and audio advisor.

I used to like Onkyo changers in the heydays ... they still make a great 6 disc carousel. $99 for this (but it's a refurb ... still get a 1 year warranty though)

also this Yamaha is worth a look:

as for me I listen to my stuff either on the PC now or on my dvd player. :erk:
I've got a 5-disc changer that sucks balls in all possible ways so I don't use it, instead I use my single AUX-input for an external CD, turntable and computer
I'm sold on that Onkyo 6 disc changer. I haven't read one review that was not gleaming. I saw it today at Circuit City for the avg $200, so I will prob pick it up tomorrow. I dont feel like waiting for it to be shipped, like I am for my new car receiver.
lurch70 said:
this from a man that is a vinyl advocate :tickled:
Well I haven't made suggestions on what to replace the changer with have I? :< There are lossless formats and with a device that plays such from a harddrive you can fit a hell of a lot of music in a small box... CD changers are pretty useful though I suppose