I need a reason...


New Metal Member
Hi there,
although as a long time supporter, I never found it neccessary to post on this board.
But the reunion-thing makes me mad.
WHAT'S THE FUCKING REASON FOR IT??? I haven't heard it from Charlie or Scott, yet.
I just want to know what's goin' on.
I've been a loyal follower for about 16 years and loved the Belladonna-era (that's when I first discoverd them) and the Bush-era (in these modern times, he's the man!). But I have a strong feeling, that this reunion might be for the wrong reasons...DOLLARS!
If John needs a time out with his family, no prob. But they could say "John needs a familiy break, so let's do a limited reunion to cash some dollars in...and then back to life with John and Rob". I could understand that.
But I hate this attitude of a Band (Priest, Maiden, and maybe Anthrax?) to change the singer and tell everyone that the band is better then ever, the best shows, the best line-up, the old songs sound so much better with the new singer and so on. And then all of a sudden a reunion...
That fucking sucks... :yuk:

To Scott and Charlie : don't tread us like some fucking retarded morons. I personally think you owe us (the fans) the truth. We pay your houses, cars and LOTR-Collectibles! There is nothing worse than a bunch of liars...

Uuuh, by the way...the "new" official website is the worst official page I've ever seen...and no word about John and Rob...so sad.

I could even accept them doing it for the money if only they told us. The worst thing is the lack of information on the whereabouts of Bush who had been their singer for twelve years which is a longer period than Belladonna was in Anthrax.

My personal opinion: With Bush from the beginning on Anthrax and not Metallica would rule the metal world. I love their early material but I still dislike PrimaBelladonna´s voice. Is there any sense in making TGO2E and telling the world that this is what the songs should have sounded like in the first place and now making a reunion with the guy who´s responsible for these songs not sounding like the band wanted them to sound?
they don't tell us loyal fans shit.
absolutely FUCK THEM!!!
they are the worst at informing us - unless it's about dave navarro queue barging at starbucks, or scott saying he lives his new G3 laptop.
we have waited weeks and they feed us that vague, bullshit press release on the new site.

very, very disappointing.
total lack of information.
fuck them. At least Judas Priest stated it exactly when they parted ways with Ripper. Scott Ian doesn´t have the balls to tell the world that Bush was fired, which he was.
On top of that, he was sacked from his job just in time his family had grown, which makes it even worse.
johnnieCzech said:
fuck them. At least Judas Priest stated it exactly when they parted ways with Ripper. Scott Ian doesn´t have the balls to tell the world that Bush was fired, which he was.
On top of that, he was sacked from his job just in time his family had grown, which makes it even worse.

johnnieCzech said:
fuck them. At least Judas Priest stated it exactly when they parted ways with Ripper. Scott Ian doesn´t have the balls to tell the world that Bush was fired, which he was.
On top of that, he was sacked from his job just in time his family had grown, which makes it even worse.

I kinda agree to that sentiment, though i love having the band back togheter they should just tell it the way it is...not this half assed shit like "we'll see what the future brings"

BTW Priest kicked mighty ass last night in Holland! fucking hell rthis erased all ripper memories from my mind! mindblowing performance! If THRAX will do it this way live then you won;t hear me complain!
john bush sux balls anthrax sold out on white noize they were way heavier in the 80's and faster.
spacebeer said:
I kinda agree to that sentiment, though i love having the band back togheter they should just tell it the way it is...not this half assed shit like "we'll see what the future brings"

BTW Priest kicked mighty ass last night in Holland! fucking hell rthis erased all ripper memories from my mind! mindblowing performance! If THRAX will do it this way live then you won;t hear me complain!

I´m gonna see them on Thursday in Czech. I can´t help myself but I´ve seen them 3 times so far and the best experience was when they toured Demolition. I don´t like Angel Of Retribution BTW.