i need all the help and advice i can get


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok so i posted a while back trying to choose a daw. i ugraded to a mac book pro (intel) and my pc is basically obsolete and so is my sonar.

i am in search of a good DAW for mac. i was gonna get nuendo but 1) its too pricey and 2) no suppoer for intel macs

i decided on logic pro. the academic version (same thing as regular but not upgradable) is $500 which is right in my budget. the only problem (apple confirmed this via phone) is that you cannot upgrade to future versions, you would have to buy the whole new one. so like when logic 8 comes out i can't pay 200 or whatever it is for an upgrade.

what do i do? doesn anyone know anyloopholes.

i was gonna get cubase for like 700 or so since it was in my budget ($1000 for logic pro wasnt) but when i found out that (IMO) i can get a superior program for less then i was doing cartwheels until i fond out about the lack of upgradeability i was really bummed out. please help.
too late i already got my mac.

my pc is like pentium iii with max 1 gb ram. its a crappy computer. it was either getting a new pc or a new mac. i went with mac.

i now see why most of the music world works on macs. everythting is so much faster than the super pcs ive worked on not only audio but all aspects.

but anyway back to my problem. i spoke to apple they told me that the academic is definetly NOT upgradeable once logic 8 coms out. this sucks. im back to square one. i noticed i can get cubase 4 student (im guessings its the full version jsut discounted) for like 400 which is cheaper, i might end up doing that and get logic in the future if at all. i wanted to ues the money for a nice pre amp + converter.
Cubase 4 Studio, if you want to use the Cubase/Nuendo DAW.

If you're going to get Logic Pro, find a way to buy it at a University Store. I had my sister at UCSB get my old copy for me - it was only $300.

And the Logic updates aren't a big deal - there's not much they add in Logic 8 that would make it worth buying, besides maybe sample accuracy in the main edit window, and I don't think they'll ever do that.
sell your mac and get another PC. god i am a jerk. you are now in the wonderful and LIMITING world of iMAC. really the only way to go with a mac is protools(blech) or Logic. now logic is owned by apple and they will support it to the ends of the earth and have build the audio engine around thier computers and OS sooooooooooooooooooo you should have a great time of it if you go with that! HOWEVER, as with protools and being locked into what they are willing to offer you and the price tag you are in the same boat with logic(which you have already discovered is apples way or the highway) sorry to bum you out mad dog but why did you decide to buy a mac? and I am not trying to pick on you or be mean I am just very bent against mac's because of thier ivory tower attitude.( I hate snobs which is why I love this forum, all you guys are so cool and upfront with the info!!! great spirit here) anyway man good luck with your iMac endevour and all

Love Curran
protools is limited with 32 audio channels. I think that suck extreme

Get cubase 4 (student) it will work perfecly with you power mac and you can upgrade for later versions. It´s the same but only for the half price.

And you can get every plugin for cubase 4. And on the steinberg homepage are all the update for intel based mac systems!!!

Last point the new plugins of cubase 4 are high end. Very nice eq on every channel plus great vst dynamics for drums...the plugins have sidechaining...

it´s now a real studio standart and it works extreme stabil with last updates.
Like nuendo 3.2...

so my advise go for it
i didnt get an imac. i got a mac book pro. 3gb ram, intel dual core duo , yadda yadda

once i get set up to learn logic and/or cubase i will then get a mac pro since there are some limitations on a laptop.

other than that i got an offer on craigslist for a full version of logic 7.2 with dongle for $500. not bad. the only bad thing about the academic is the lack of updating.

if logic doesn;t pan out the student version of cubase 4 is the same version as the regular (i think) so i will get that for under $500.

i was gonna get cubase but so manty people recomend logic and sicne it is made by apple and in the future im gonna get apogee products i figured it all matched up. i dont wanna go pro tools because its too much $$$ with all the digi stuff. it is the way to go if you can spend a lot of money on a daw wiht all the hardware but i would rather spend like $500 or so on logic pro or cubase and spend the thousands i save on a multi channel quality mic pre and an apogee converter.
I'd suggest DP. Or Cubase if you already know how to use it, but DP has the major advantage of sidechaining. Logic is an absolute pain in the ass for audio work. Shocking system, mainly 'cause everything they've done since buying it off emagic is just boltons, including the whole audio engine. Even the apple certified logic trainer I know hates it. Everything's backwards, and awkward... I'm sure people will be here defending Logic, but you'll be tearing your hair out at the dumb little things it does that can slow down your workflow so much! Like... if you hit solo/mute on your controller or the mix window, it's a seperate set of solos and mutes to what's in the arrange. So you can't see at a glance what's set to solo and mute, or sometimes you'll listen back to your mix without realising that something is muted invisibly and be like "Wtf why's my mix gone empty". And countless similar things. Oh and while 32 or 48 tracks in protools is a dumb limitation, it might be worth looking at your projects and seeing if you actually do use that many (bearing in mind that it has playlisting for multiple takes) and if you can get away with that, then the speed of the interface is amazing.
Choosing DAWs is really a pain in the ass, and there's a lot of preference, but I hope you find the one that's right for you on your first purchase :)
so i'm basically down back to logic vs. cubase

How come you've decided against all the others out there? DP, Sonar, Samplitude, sawstudio.... Cubase and logic are just the big high street choices, mainly because they're owned by massive companies (steinberg and apple) and can afford mass marketing. If you haven't already, give a serious look at the competition :)