I need help from a Euronig! (seriously)


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
No news here: I did something stupid! I won an ebay auction, then noticed the guy didn't accept paypal. All he accepts is registered cash, or through this Iban system that's available only to Europe. So, my dear Euroniggers, I hope this isn't too much to ask, but could I Paypal one of you some money and have you Iban (?) it to the guy? PM or reply if interested. My other option is getting my uncle in Spain to do it, but i'm lazy, and you guys seem like half-decent folks.

The total ammount is 35usd or 29eur according to the guy, which doesn't sound like an accurate conversion, but what am I, a doctor?
That wasn't what I was asking for. I need someone to take money from me and actually transfer it into the auctioner's bank account, 'cause he doesn't accept paypal and I don't wanna send cash overseas like that. I suppose it doesn't help that most of the people on here right now are North American, as I am.
Nice Simpsons reference. If this doesn't work out see if the dude accepts cashier's checks. I'm pretty sure there is no fee to deposit one, shouldn't be a big deal.
Maybe they don't do that kind of think in Belgium. Huh!? DID YOU THINK OF THAT, JERK ASS?

i'm going to get stoned now, i'll check in later ;)

thanks for your help, everyone except J. :p

(by the way J, thanks for posting that sale list from Salazar, I will much enjoy the Slough Feg cds once they arrive!)
uhh *bump* ... anyone?

sorry to be so persistent, but this is important. i wouldn't want to piss off a Belgian. might throw waffles at me or something.
dude, you're American. He's European. He should be meeting your payment demands, not the other way around. You tell him what he's going to accept, and that's that.

oh wait, you're Canadian. That changes everything. Yeah, he owns you. :loco:
J. said:
dude, you're American. He's European. He should be meeting your payment demands, not the other way around. You tell him what he's going to accept, and that's that.

oh wait, you're Canadian. That changes everything. Yeah, he owns you. :loco:
:lol: x2987928374859

I've only been screwed once by sending cash, and it may or may not have been the seller's fault. When I send cash I tuck it into a piece of paper and a CD case, seems to work. Usually.