i need some guinea pigs

Hey baldy!

Just mailed you my address. So let's see how much damage I can do, hahaha. :D :D :D Don't worry about your style though. You can also find AC/DC, Kiss, Iron Maiden, Running Wild, Manowar, Warlock and Mercyful Fate in my collection. I'm not just into Thrash. As long as you keep a heavy edge to it I can't see the problem. Just gimme a bit more time to get used to it. :worship: The only thing I'm not so confident about is my origin. Not sure whether I'm qualified to give you an European view. Especially as I'm really picky about my music.
Hey Baldy--
Your disc got here today, man that was fast! I've given it one complete listen through but I'm want to hold off on any comments until after 2 or 3 more times through it, want it to sink in some more. The only thing I will say right now is that it's WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY more than I thought it would be. I was expecting the typical home recording, which I like by the way, nothing better than hearing your friends make asses out of themselves on a 4-track :)... my 4-track shit tends to put most people into a coma :) ... But you guys aren't fooling around! Give me a couple of days to get my head around it.
no problem greeno-i wouldnt expect any of you to comment without giving it a few good listens first.we did try and do our best on it however-we do want to suceed in being a good band.we're all a bit old now,but we wanted to do something we could be happy with.like it or not greeno,i hope you cant fault the effort we put into it
Hey Baldy. I've listened to your disc about 5 times now and I'm totally impressed!! The music is great, heavy as hell with good riffs and hooks, and the production is as good as anything on a major label. Like I posted earlier, I was just expecting a typical “home tape” with so-so production, your basic cheap demo sound, but you guys sound like you’ve got your shit together. I can’t imagine you having any trouble getting some indies interested in this thing.

The only thing I can say negative about the album is that it needs more guitar solos… or longer guitar solos. That’s not a knock on the guitar player, he sounds very good but I’d like to he him rip it up a little more. Remember, that’s coming form an Old School guy and solos are important to us (allot of us anyways). Other than that it kicks ass!

I hear allot of different things in you guys, all of them good and you mix them up nicely. To me your vocals are right in there with John Bush, John Garcia from Kyuss, and the singer from My Sister’s Machine (can‘t remember his name right now). You’ve got a nice gravel throat! :)
Actually you guys remind me allot of My Sister’s Machine right down to the guitar players use of the wha-wha pedal. Have you ever heard them before? So if I had to explain what you sounded like to someone I would mention those 3 bands… newer Anthrax, Kyuss (you’ve got a little stoner thing in there, may be because of the guitar player) and My Sisters Machine. Plus add just a little of that new metal sound that I know nothing about. If you notice I didn’t say NU METAL, I don’t mean that, I’m talking about stuff like Disturbed …. Don’t think that’s Nu Metal, is it? Like I said I know NOTHING about that stuff. I’m just trying to say that you sound up to date, you can hear your influences (older metal) but you still sound NEW…… Anyway, this old fart liked it and I would imagine that the younger farts would like it also. :)

BTW - The last track (“The End”) is one metal ass ripper!!! It’s my favorite! Why did you guys put it at the end of the disc? I checked out your video, very nice! I like the mohawk !!!
thanks greeno,thats some pretty indepth stuff there.we have two guitarists,and they take it in turn to do the solos-i think they had 3 each on the album.we felt that some of the songs didnt quite need the solos put in them,not that either of the boys would have had a problem laying one down-they both rather enjoy wanking over the fretboard.
i'm glad you didnt think it was nu metal.you got the idea that we were trying to achieve,that it was older school with a newer sound.that was what we wanted to sound like.
fucking major honour for me however,likening me to john bush.my ego has just inflated to extreme proportions!!!
never heard any kyuss,and i've not heard of my sisters machine.friends of mine likened us a bit to zakk wyldes black label society,but i'm not sure how close we are to that either.
the last song,the end-we put it at the end for two reasons.its quite a killer finish,quick and heavy and the title of the song too.obviously the end had to go at the end.
i'm glad you liked it,and i'm equally glad you found the time to listen to it and comment.thanks greeno.your a pal.
btw,we shot the video on a budget of about$1,000.on the whole,we were very happy with the way it came out.
i guess the mohawk means my tag should be nearlybaldyboy,but it didnt sound as good.you must be on broadband to have downloaded it,apparently on dial up like mine it takes about 3 weeks.lucky i,ve got a copy on dvd!
From what Greeno has said here this should be very interesting and dont worry Baldy if there is anything that doesnt ummm sound right I will let you know :) Music is one of the few things I take seriously
cheerz jonnyd,i'm surprised you havent got your copy yet,i posted it the day after greeno's one.it was a saturday though,so maybe it didnt get shipped straight away.that or the way your customs are rather paranoid(and quite rightly so at the mo)i hope they didnt blow it up or something.
greeno's made some good comments.i cant wait to hear more from him,and from you,bryant and drillsergeant(not to mention sixxswine if you do him a copy).enjoy it fellas.
thats ok drillsergeant,you were the last one to get yours posted out-and i had to buy some more blank cdr's so i could copy that wolfsbane album for you!i wouldnt expect you to get your copy until at least tuesday or wednesday,and then you've got to have a day or two to get over the shock of listening to our appaling metal!
baldyboy said:
glad it got to you ok jonnyd.i await your review with bated breath.

OK I have listened to it many more times now But I'm not going to write anything untill I wake up I gotta crash bad And I just dont think it will be that good after being awake for 25 hours :)
Ok Baldy Heres *The* Review :)

So I'v had a Few days now to really dig into this album I will start off with my first impressions When I put it in and played it I discovered that I could crank it right up!and it sounded good,now bear in mind that I am a very old school customer when it comes to my metal and this does have a certain *New*Sound so at first I was like "Eh sounds good but just not my thing" The first thing I really noticed was that the production was Very well done Flawless even every thing sounds even the mixing job is great now on to the band one word Tight! you can tell these guys are confertable together, The drummer is very good and Keeps everything moving and he knows how to be selective with his beats there is something to be said about a drummer that has well placed beats lol,The Bass sounds good too really Heavy :) which I like being a bass player I only Noticed one point where the bass wasnt right he hits a kinda sour note or 2 which ocures on the 4th track Between the time of 00:45 and 00:47 maybe its just me but it doesnt sound quite right other than that the Bass is awsome and Heavy,The guitar Assult is great it hits you hard and crushes at points,the Rythem guitar sound is very good Just Nice and Heavy and Groovy and well played,I think at the moment my favorite guitar part is on the 4th track between the times of 4:19 and 4:52 and then it explodes from there,one last point on the guitars the Solos theres not alot of solos on here which is ok :) its cool cause the ones that are well are pretty good they trail off a little bit but most solos do lol,and last but not least my thoughts on the vocal performance,Sometimes vocals can make or break a band for me and at my first listen I wasnt to sure if I liked the vocals ofcourse now that I have givin them a good listen I can say they are Pretty good they fit the music really well,They sound like a mix of a lil bit of Phil Rind,Lajon of Sevendust,And Zakk Wylde,I think vocally "Thousand Words" is the best :) All in all this is a very impressive effort Congrats on a Job Well Done I definetly can see you guys going far if you keep it up, ya gotta get yourselves hooked up with a record company:) you could make it! Anyways I hope this is helpful I tried my best to be impartial and Honest, I give it an 9 out of 10 :)

My Favorites off the cd are .... well the Whole cd really but dammit heres a few standouts "Bitter Part of Me","Shallow"(That is shallow right?),"Thousand Words","Damn Self Pity",And "Away from Here" I would say the overall sound of the band remind of a mix of Sevendust,Godsmack,and Shadowsfall its very riffy in a New skool kinda way, Thank you Baldy for the Honor of reviewing your band "Panic Cell" you have made yourself a fan
