i need some guinea pigs

Wicked Child said:
...Am I too late to ask for one, too?

If ya want Baldy I could send one to this guy too ..... hes a good dude who writes some of the best reviews I have ever read :)I can send them out on the same day :p I have had a chance to mail the disc to sixx just cause well we are in a deep freeze right now And I just cant walk the mile to the post office yet lol
Damn Drillsergeant! How long gig it take you to write that?!! Very cool review dude.

We keep this up and Baldy is gonna turn into a Rock Star and forget us little people. :) Just kidding dude.

Baldy, do you have a cover for this thing yet? If so can you email me scans? If not then what is gonna be on the cover... just curious.
jonnyd-if you think wicked child would appreciate it,then do it.no problem with me.sorry to hear about all the snow in your area.hope it hasnt caused you any real probs.
greeno,i can e mail you some of the artwork if you like-i've got some on file.not sure if i've got it all.happy to send it if you like.
as for rock stardom,well i hope we make it,but as i said before,if we do,then you boys can come along for the stateside trip if you want!jonnyd's already poached the head roadie/soundman/tour manager type slot,you other guys will just have to stick with testing out the drugs,booze n groupies for us!
baldyboy said:
greeno,i can e mail you some of the artwork if you like-i've got some on file.not sure if i've got it all.happy to send it if you like.

That would be cool. Thanks!
alredy done.hope you get em ok.the file size on one is quite large.
on the band front,we go to shoot the video for "save me"this weekend-just our performance parts.this one should have some storyline to it too-so not to much looking at our ugly mugs!
baldyboy said:
alredy done.hope you get em ok.the file size on one is quite large.
on the band front,we go to shoot the video for "save me"this weekend-just our performance parts.this one should have some storyline to it too-so not to much looking at our ugly mugs!

Got 'em, looks cool!

When you get the new video posted on your website let us know.
Greeno said:
Count me in!

You may want to renegotiate your contract JonnyD. :lol:

:) ya see the "head roadie/soundman/tour manager " Gets the prime pussy ..... well maybe not as prime as what the band gets but the drugs are just as good :D .............. Can you picture it Panic Cell out on the road with the Old School crew for roadies that would be fukin wild
baldyboy said:
jonnyd-if you think wicked child would appreciate it,then do it.no problem with me.sorry to hear about all the snow in your area.hope it hasnt caused you any real probs.

lol ok cool ...... I wish it was just Snow ...... its the cold its been -20 with a windchill anywhere from -30 to -50 so its been unhumanlly cold .....but real probs na :)
jesus,-20 to -50?fuck that.its about zero here at the mo and we're all bitchin that its cold.that kind of weather and i'd be stayin indoors and hibernating for the winter.
havin the old school crew roadieing would be really cool.lots of drinking and whoring,not enough working though.we'd be the worst run tour ever!but dammit it would be fun!
baldyboy said:
jesus,-20 to -50?fuck that.its about zero here at the mo and we're all bitchin that its cold.that kind of weather and i'd be stayin indoors and hibernating for the winter.
havin the old school crew roadieing would be really cool.lots of drinking and whoring,not enough working though.we'd be the worst run tour ever!but dammit it would be fun!

lol the worst part is I have to Walk a mile to work which under normal circustances isnt so bad But when its that cold ugh Brrrrrrrr you feel like your gonna die ......... lol It would be a Blast I dont drink But Dammit I would be dead from the STDs :D It would be like a Motley Crue Tour! :)
baldyboy said:
you dont drink jonnyd?i dont know why,but i find that surprising.i know plenty of people who dont drink,but none of them in the rock fraternity.was it a concious decision,or are you intolerant or alergic?
It was Defitenetly a concious decision I'm a Alcoholic Damn near drank myself to death :p
oooh jeeez.maybe i shouldnt have brought it up.sorry jonnyd.
funnily enough though i own what you boys would call a "liquor store".is that how you spell it?thats what i do for a job.i'm very much hoping to sell it in the near future after i become an international rock star,with your help of course boys!
baldyboy said:
oooh jeeez.maybe i shouldnt have brought it up.sorry jonnyd.
funnily enough though i own what you boys would call a "liquor store".is that how you spell it?thats what i do for a job.i'm very much hoping to sell it in the near future after i become an international rock star,with your help of course boys!

Na its ok Baldy I dont mind Talkin bout it, lol thats interesting hehehe , You guys will be HUGE I'm sure of it :)
baldyboy said:
just hope everyone thinks like you jonnyd.
you're a musician arnt you-you done much stuff recording wise?i'm sure it was you who said earlier you played the bass.which make,what amp?

lol unfortunetly I'm the only one I know that thinks like me :p
Yeah I play Bass,and a lil bit of guitar,Drums,Vocals, I'v never done any significant Recording Pretty much just Recording Band Practices on crappy stereos lol I have about 7,000,000,000 tapes of shit like that :) yes it was me that said that ..... My main bass Is my Jackson CMG 4 string I also have An Epiphone Explorer,A B.c.Rich Warlock,A Epi P-Bass copy,A ZZB Deluxe,and a Carvin Custom all of which are 4 strings And my Amp is a Carvin R600 Red eye Combo With 2 10 inch drivers and an 18 inch woofer 600 Watts of loudness :)