i need some guinea pigs

greeno-i didnt say you sucked at all,just that the singing was a little flat in places.
the singing you did on the other songs was spot on.by the sounds of it,its not an easy song to sing anyway-its a lot harder to sing over acoustic guitar than over electric,your voice is much less covered.we did thousand words on the album and it took me a fair few goes to get it at least partially right.some of the heavier stuff was just one take n go.
your guitaring my green friend is however extremely good.that nice mix of country and blues with the obvious metal edge to it,works very well-dont know how to phrase it without insulting you,but you sound like a super heavy marc knopfler(dire straights guy).him with bigger balls,if you know what i mean.
i'm still playing the songs now.i'll tell you what-if the whole panic cell thing makes me a mint,then i'll put your stuff out for ya!

Kenji from Panic Cell here! Just read about your music and wanna check it out. Both myself and Hedgey in the band love to hear a bit of country, punky malarkey. Where did Luke download it from or did I muss that on a previous post?

baldyboy said:
greeno-i didnt say you sucked at all,

You didn't have to Baldy... I did! :lol: I know I can't sing that well but I keep trying. Thanks for the nice words on my guitar playing. I guess my playing is a bit eclectic these days. Was a straight metal player at the start but I've messed around with so many styles that it's all getting mixed up now. :)
Greeno, Just listened to 'You're the only one' was that you singing and playing guitar? T'was very country influenced, which I like. To me, it sounded like the head voice of Zakk Wylde. I imagine if you sang that one more from the chest you WOULD be Zakk. I don't know if that came over as a compliment but it was! That song would fit perfectly on Zakk's 'Pride and Glory' album.

Cool. Gonna listen to some more of your tunes now.

Kenji said:

Kenji from Panic Cell here! Just read about your music and wanna check it out. Both myself and Hedgey in the band love to hear a bit of country, punky malarkey. Where did Luke download it from or did I muss that on a previous post?


Hey its cool to see some more Panic Cell dudes in here :wave: Welcome Aboard
Kenji said:
Greeno, Just listened to 'You're the only one' was that you singing and playing guitar? T'was very country influenced, which I like. To me, it sounded like the head voice of Zakk Wylde. I imagine if you sang that one more from the chest you WOULD be Zakk. I don't know if that came over as a compliment but it was! That song would fit perfectly on Zakk's 'Pride and Glory' album.

Cool. Gonna listen to some more of your tunes now.


Yeah, that would be me trying to sing again. Thanks for the compliment.

How do you sing from the chest? Not sure what I'm doing other than singing from my ass. :) But all jokes aside.... how do you sing from the chest?
plan13 said:
Okay guys... I threw up some more of crap from Greeno and/or myself.... Laugh, enjoy, puke, or scream... it's free for the taking.


Why didn't you put up "A Short Song About Trust"? I like that one, you didn't load it down with a bunch of fx like the other ones. :) Why must you do that sir?! I'll put up that song for the next round.
I never wrote a review before but all must start somewhere....
I'm 17, and I have a band. We play somewhat death metal but with a shitload of different elements from heavy, trash, black etc. Anyway, the point is I always try not only to listen to the music but try to imagine how it is build.
When I first got the cd that Luke (baldyboy) sent me, I was rather curious.... curious about the contents. The fact that I heard about this whole thing on the oldschool forum got me interested, and I was expecting to hear something oldschool. I was surprised...
I listen to a lot of very different music. Aside metal (Death-Black-Trash-Power-Speed-Prog) and all variations of rock, I also listen to classic, some electronic and other strange shit.
Anyway, when I started listening to it, I was deeply impressed by the way how some genres mixed up there perfectly. You guys defintly have future if you ever manage to come out to the market. Grunge, Heavy/Speed with a little Nu Metal sounded exellent.
Guitars were good I liked the riffs, tho more solos (and I know I'm just one of many to say that) would be better. Kenji said later on the Panic Cell board that there were solos on 6 out of 10 songs, but still I find this insuffcient. Melodically, the album is an exellent thing to hear. Its also dynamic and flowing. IMO, at least. Drums: double pedals sound excellent, fitting virtually everywhere possible. BUT, the cymbals are sometimes swallowed in the rest of the music. Not the crash, more when there's the ride and similar. Bass: I understand that Bobby plays a 6-string. With a strange setup, but it doesnt matter.The bass had a nice distortion (when I finally heard the bass - the first time I dont know why, but I had a hardtime hearing it, probably my shitty sound setting - nevermind), even juicy somewhere. The vocals are exellent - I did trace Soundgarden influences, as later Luke mentioned to me. Finally I hear decent vocals.
The sound is a different part for itself. It's just fucking awesome!!! It's very neat, something nowadays rare for first band releases. I congratulate you guys with an exellent producer.
personal favs: Away From Me, Save Me, Bitter Part Of Me

Good luck guys, you have it comin'.... :headbang:
So now we all know where panic cell are lurking in the cold winter evenings :)

Good gig at the red lion guys..........sounded tight as hell to me.....

just seems a bit strange not seeing a white bc rich round your neck baldy...*grins*
jeeez jym,its been a while since i played the ironbird.gotta be about 7 years now.the gig the other night was cool-the cheer that we got after we finished away from here was just awsome-its the kind of thing you do it for you know?!
only prob with the gig was it fucked us for the "save me" video shoot the next day.we were all really tired.but its still cool-going and doing a really good gig and then shooting a video the next day,what a rock star life huh?
beorn,nice review,thank you very much for the compliments.on the whole,this forum has provided me with nothing but great comments,its been wonderful.
greeno-i'm still listening to that monstermania track,its fkin great fella.as far as singing from the chest like kelly talks about,its all about forcing pressure up through it-you either sing through your throat,or your chest(obviously your throat is still involved too-unless your some kind of alien).whichever way you sing gives you a different tone.
sadly i dont know too much about it,like you i just sing in the way it feels most natural.i've often thought of getting some vocal coaching lessons.maybe if i get more free time...
baldyboy said:
thank you very much for the compliments.on the whole,this forum has provided me with nothing but great comments,QUOTE]

Well I can say one good reason we were so open to your music and ya know didnt just pass it off as spam or whatever is because you come in here and ya hang out and its not like your running around Plugging your band hell you have us for that :p .... anyways I think the moral to that story is ummmm shit I lost it lol I hope you can figure out what I was going for there lol :loco:
baldyboy said:
beorn,nice review,thank you very much for the compliments.on the whole,this forum has provided me with nothing but great comments,its been wonderful.
Well this was My review.... 2 o' me friends wanna add somtng 2.... soon, luke, soon. I did like it mainly, so did the rest, at least the most of them.
I'm having trouble understanding why did you start this thread on the Oldschool forum concidering the material on your album? It prooved successful, but... why? :)
i only started the thread on the oldschool forum because i got on well with a lot of the boys that post here.to be honest,i rarely venture out of this part of the um forum,occasionally to the musicians discussion one,and thats just to surprise bryant-i'm still awaiting my review btw sir!
i wasnt really ever considering sending the album out for people to listen to it,but when i got posting here with the boys that post regularly,i thought it would be an idea to send them a copy.for the most part,their knowledge of most kinds of metal is impressive(one or two are both amazing and encyclopedic),they are generally older(like me)and so would consider things in a different way.i knew i wouldnt get a "man this sucks"(unless i sent one to the saYer of course)-any dislike would have been phrased in a more grown up,and ultimatly more useful,way.
basically,they just seemed like a bunch of cool,regular guys.and i was lucky enough for some of them to take the time out to listen to the songs and review it.
it wasnt like i even set out to promote the band-if you look at the first posts,the bands name or any details wernt mentioned for a reason-it made it a bit of a musical blind date-or russian roulette,depending on how you looked at it!
baldyboy said:
greeno-i'm still listening to that monstermania track,its fkin great fella...

Cool! I'll put up some more recordings from the album soon.

Panic Cell should do a cover of it... all heavy as hell!! :) Or if nothing else work it up in practice and tape it, would be funny as hell to hear another band do one of our songs. :)
baldyboy said:
i rarely venture out of this part of the um forum,

Same here dude. I've looked at a few of the other brds but not posted. The MOD brd is cool, seeing Billy in there talking to people is kinda wild.