i need something to mix!

Maybe Ronnie has the answers you are looking for. He did his mix pretty quick so I guess he knows whats up.

I'm no recording engineer. I simply plug in my guitar, fire up the PODxt, get some drum patterns going and write some riffs. I record on the spot, everything, because once I'm done I never play the song again :goggly:

In fact I don't even export the drums and mix, I mix them as they are and export everything together so I don't really have the bleeds to deal with. Maybe next time I do this I'll export the drum tracks without the bleeds.
Well here's my mix in progress: http://www.upload.celtiaproductions.co.uk/uploads/moonie-blackmetal-inprogress.mp3

I threw a quick mastering chain on and set it in about 3 minutes, so it may be a bit weird. I still haven't gated those toms... I can't for the life of me be bothered! haha. The insane snare spill on those channels is screwing up the sound of the entire drums, but I don't really care at this point.
In the overheads, I know what sidechaining is now but im unsure how to do it so I EQ'd the OH's to shit with more ambience and high end thus making the snare bleed really low volume and high pitch. I didnt use the bottom snare or the ambience since I had some in my OH's. I know its prolly a silly thing to do but its not bad on my system!

I REALLY want a decent snare. I have to fiddle on for ages with plugins in the end it just goes out of time and fucks it right up. Im getting there. I used drumagog on kick/snare also.

This has boosted my confidence somewhat knowing that a badly recorded mix (drums even, no offence intended purify :)) can sound really sweet after a few bits and bobs. The bleeds were a lot worse than ive usually heard from bad recording at the local "studio", Ill give them a try if I can get hold of any.

I want Ronnie to come on here and give some pointers! I would learn a lot ;)
Well it isn't entirely necessary to sidechain limit those OHs. I used a simple L2 on them, taking off an astounding 12dB and it turned out fine for me. The majority of my spill at the moment comes from the tom tracks I can't be arsed cutting up!
Well it isn't entirely necessary to sidechain limit those OHs. I used a simple L2 on them, taking off an astounding 12dB and it turned out fine for me. The majority of my spill at the moment comes from the tom tracks I can't be arsed cutting up!

Yeah those tom tracks are insane, I didnt use any gates (they didnt seem to do anything) the editing took a while but you can only just tell where the tom your editing has been hit :lol: . Practice makes perfect I guess :)

Nice work Wadi! I likkkke! :)
Yeah it sounds nice, I REALLLY want the Steven Slate drum CD, because I cant get a nice snare for the life of me. Im never satisfied with kicks either, im stupidly picky, but the slate kick and snare Ronnie used in his version sounds perfect. $209 = £109, wonder if it would be difficult with the currency crossover :erk:
In honesty I preferred the stock DFHS kick and snare, after some hefty processing of course. The snare more than anything was hard to get sounding good, but it gets a nice woody crack to it with the right touch.

It's a bit funny actually. This forum is very prone to getting caught up in fads, and Steven's drum CD seems to be the newest one. I remember when everyone was buying tubescreamers left right and center, and when every man and his dog used C4 compression on every track with a slight overabundance of low-mids, haha.

Not to say you shouldn't get it.. but just try not to take the easy way out. You can pull a good sound using the kick and snare that are already in this session.
Im using EZdrummer so I dont have nice snare/kick samples really. Im finding it really hard to get a nice snare, I got one once, havent got a clue how I got it mind, I know it was using Andy's snare sample with a few plugins. I cant get close to it now. And my kicks always sound scooped ;\ When I add mids it takes over the mix! Canny win! haha.

Yeah I know what you mean about the fads, this is the first thing ive actually got quite interested in however :)
what do you guys want to know?
I have bought EZdrummer, EZX DFH and DFHS. i have mixed lots of tracks with Toontracks products. just love em.

Do you like the DFH(s) stuff any more or less than Drumagog and the Slate gogs?

I know they are hardly the same thing... but I just posted a thread about that... I still for the life of me cant figure out Drumagog... I wonder if it'll be worth the money to buy these products if I cant get the demos to work...

btw, I L.O.V.E. DFH... its my new writing partner... :)
I dont own toontracks stuffs, but are those bleeds for real? I need more practice I'm sure, but I had a go with Septic Ashes' a while back and the bleeds are not as bad. And the toms sounded horrid, how much processing do u need to do to make it sound decent?
Here's the final version I'm gonna do: http://www.upload.celtiaproductions.co.uk/uploads/moonie-blackmetal-inprogress.mp3

Evidently not perfect by any stretch, but I reckon not bad considering the source material.

@Wadi: Cheers man. Just keep at it I guess. I experimented with 3 different reverbs in this track. One on drums, one huge one on synths and another fairly long one on vocals. Freeverb, Ambience and ArtsAcoustic respectively.

The guitars I think are the hardest part. They are just so damn harsh, I used every band of a Waves Q10 for subtractive EQ and I still couldn't get the PODness out of them.