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Ah, Ann Coulter, the one woman who in the event of being raped, would receive little support.
Loner said:
I guess all the families that would've gone without health insurace without unions don't matter "in the long run". :rolleyes:

Did you even think before you typed that?

Anyhow, I'm still waiting for an actual argument from you.
Loner said:
More condescending vomit, what a suprise. I'm done with you, hopefully you will learn as you get older.

I'd show you where you're wrong, but I don't think you'd be able to stammer out more than two sentences of disagreeance.

Ladies and gentleman another biproduct of self-inflicted ignorance.
For the boy who can't count:

Loner said:
But you should know that something must be accepted as fact when someone without firsthand experience says it in a condescending manner.
Even if someone born in 86 HAS worked a union job, they have probably done so under their parents' wings, so they are unlikely to have an understanding of what a "living wage" (something a lot more people would do without if we didn't have unions) is. Unions even raise the standards for non union wages, because employers don't want to give their employees a reason to join a union. If you took away unions, we'd see a decreace in wages, insurance, and working standards) at most all jobs, including those who aren't union right now. Let's see how the economy handles it when the government has to pick up the empolyers' slack, much like they have to do for Wal-Mart right now. But never mind all that, this guy's economics class told him unions are bad.
I thought you were running away, so nice of you to take parting shots at my intelligence. Suffice to say you must have no idea what a superlative is.

Actually if you took away unions, you'd see a rise in wages based on productivity and technology, an increase in standard of living across the board. I'd explain to you how this would come about, but you still haven't explained why it wouldn't.

Hold on, let me take a page from your book;

If you took away unions, aliens would come down from the sky - granting god like powers to republicans, who would take anal pleasures from your children. Booga booga!
FretsAflame said:
If you took away unions, aliens would come down from the sky - granting god like powers to republicans, who would take anal pleasures from your children. Booga booga!
naw dude, if we took away unions money would fall from the sky and companies would raise wages out of the goodness of their hearts! organized crime would be finished, and dandelions would grow out of the concrete!
neal said:
naw dude, if we took away unions money would fall from the sky and companies would raise wages out of the goodness of their hearts! organized crime would be finished, and dandelions would grow out of the concrete!

That's almost the same logic I hear when republicans explain why how tax cuts for the rich help the whole nations population out. :lol:

When technology causes productivity to increase, the ones that reap the profits are shareholders and corporate job holders (bonuses). Without someone pushing them to increase wages and benefits, we would hardly see increased hourly wages, save maybe when minimum wage increases. To assume otherwise would be giving humanity too much credit. Also, my opponent here still hasn't adressed the issue of working conditions and worker's rights.
The goal of the upper class all throughout history has been to widen the gap between themselves and their competition (the middle class), and unions help slow down that proccess (much moreso before Reganomics castrated them). They are far from perfect, but we use what weapons are available to us.