I quit smoking - holy shit, the energy!

So, I smoked my (hopefully) last cigarette last monday, and haven't had a smoke since. I knew my life would improve somehow, but this is just fucking ridiculous.

I used to be really fucking tired and flegmatic when I got home from school or work and just sit in front of the computer, and I always felt really, really tired if I had slept less than nine hours or so. Now, I've been up for a bit less than 40 hours with a two-hour nap this morning, constantly being active in one way or another and I still feel like I could start a normal day at work now. Seriously, it's like poor-man's speed. I'm sure this will even out in a while (at least I sure hope so, I want some sleep :D), but what I'm experiencing now is absolutely strange. In a good way, tho, and I definitely hope some of the energy will stay with me in the future, too :)

And no, I haven't boosted my caffeine consumption after quitting, only one or two cups in the morning and one later, like I always did :)
congratulations man and best of luck. i'm sure one of the biggest perks will also be the extra cash... hopefully it'll help with any G.A.S. symptoms
Well done mate. I gave up 6 years ago, the best thing I ever did. Here is a list of some of the stuff thats gonna happen,

Walking up hills will not be hard anymore
Nicotine headaches GONE!
2 years down the track, you will cough, then realize you havent coughed for a long time and figure out that it is actually a cough due to a cold, not smoking!
Some foods wont be tasteless anymore
You'll go to your supermarket in a years time, look over at the cigarettes and they will be 15% dearer than what they were when you gave up and you'll go "fuck me", how do people buy this shit!
Girls with ciggies hangin outta their gobs will look less attractive
Cigarette lighters will feel disgusting to touch
You will smell ciggy smoke on someone a mile away, and nearly throw up
You will reflect on the past and seriously wonder why you ever took it up in the first place

Keep at it mate, few more weeks, and I reckon you'll kick it for good! Sounds like you really want this to happen.
Good stuff man! I wish the best of luck to you.
I haven't quit entirely per se, but I went from 30 a day, to about 5 a week at most, sometimes not smoking for entire weeks, but I got it under control enough that I'm not addicted anymore. I've saved so much money and I feel much better now.
Congrats. I'm thinking about quitting again due to the cost... I waste so much money on something I don't even like to do. Yet I keep doing it. Going out to bars doesn't help either, once I get some beer in me I can go through a pack like it's nothing. I still run and work out constantly, and smoking hasn't adversely affected me yet, but I'm worried that it will creep up on me since I'm getting older(I'm 26, been smoking on and off since I was 16).

Yep, you inspired me, time to quit :headbang:
Congrats jarkko!

I gave up smoking in january and it was one the best decicions I've ever made!
Thanks, everyone! :) The extra cash won't turn out to be a problem, I already ordered a MacPro on lease for the next two years :D

The smelling thing is a strange one. It was like day two and all of a sudden I could actually smell tobacco, something I haven't been able to do properly in years. We went to a supermarket with my fiancee, and I could instantly smell if a person passing us was a smoker. And damn, it isn't a nice smell after all, is it? :D

Congrats. I'm thinking about quitting again due to the cost... I waste so much money on something I don't even like to do. Yet I keep doing it. Going out to bars doesn't help either, once I get some beer in me I can go through a pack like it's nothing. I still run and work out constantly, and smoking hasn't adversely affected me yet, but I'm worried that it will creep up on me since I'm getting older(I'm 26, been smoking on and off since I was 16).

I definitely know what you're talking about when it comes to drinking. I have a habit of being a complete fucktard when I'm drunk, anyway, so I'm pretty sure I'll fall for smoking, too. But then again, I don't let it bother me, I know I'm gonna feel bad about it afterwards so hopefully it won't eventually make me pick up the habit again.

Yep, you inspired me, time to quit :headbang:

Do it man, there's too much nice gear out there to waste a dime on anything else! :lol:
10 days here, so i guess i can relate to this.
Never felt so good in the last 15 years. Amazing.
I never thought it would be so easy.
I won't be touching this crap for the rest of my life and I'm not even sad about it.
Allen Carr for the win.
I used to be really fucking tired and flegmatic when I got home from school or work and just sit in front of the computer, and I always felt really, really tired if I had slept less than nine hours or so.

I often feel like that and I'm not a smoker. Guess I have to start smoking so I can stop smoking, eh? Seriously, though, congrats! I hate the smell of cigarettes and despise people who smoke while eating, especially with non-smokers around...wtf!?
well done mate, i dont know if could come off them - i smoke 15 to 20 a day for the last 9 years of my life. i depend on my nicotine to function and i think if i was to quit, come example day 3 i would become quite dangerous to anyone near me in the form of lashing out and hitting. i would love to get off them but i dont know if i can
Smoking feels awesome after all, doesn't it? Good that only thing that gets me addicted is caffeine and alcohol, but occasional smoking feels too good not to smoke
i'd easily rate smoking up there with sex. you dont get the sudden orgasm you do with sex but its like a slow releasing pleasure throughout the day! its lovely!