Trying to quit smoking again.

I did the patches thing a few years ago, all my dick friends at the time decided to smoke extra around me. Lucky for me after a few days the smell of cigarette smoke made me want to wretch.
My friend Becky quit recently and she was a wreck while she was quitting, makes you realise what a nasty drug it is.

Only when I wanted to stop, I´ve realized..What a hell of a nasty drug!! Smoking is no freedom, it´s addiction.

Yeah brother, alcohol and smoking go hand in hand!


Unfortunately! Cause it´s fucking hard to quit both obviously. But quitting Alc is only needed tempoary. When you got the distance to Cigarettes, it is possible again ime.
You guys are obviously trying to help but are in fact perpetuating the assumption that quitting smoking is difficult while it is not. And by doing so, you make it difficult.
Also, if you need compensations, it means that you have the feeling to have lost something while you really haven't. You just need to realize it.
I know, I sound like a new born non-smoker nutcase but quitting is so easy that it's not even funny.
That's why I recommend that book. It makes the process painless.
Good luck bro. As Burny put it, you're not actually losing anything, and as long as you put things in perspective mentally, it will be easier for you.

I tried my first cigarettes at like age 5, and been repulsed by them ever since. I can barely stand to hang around people that smell of tobacco. That shit gets everywhere and fucks with your gear. Never.
Thanks dudes, much appreciated!

I find that the mental aspect oftentimes overtakes the physical. Yeah, I can get jittery and anxious as all hell without one, but the physical eventually wears off. It's hard to quit the routine. Get in the car, smoke...smoke breaks at work, get home, smoke, etc. etc.

None so far this morning, so we'll see how I do!
