I recorded the most brutal fuckin' band of my life today.

Thanks man :D
I'm fucking digging it hey, Can't wait to track vox. One question, I've got it all to a click, but the click is an mp3 that they brought with them. How do I transfer that into Reaper without knowing the BPM's or having to figure them out?
Cut from one transient to another of the click, then take a measurement of time to the ms. Then do the maths working it out to an 1/8th note or 1/4 note.

Hope that helps. If you meant something else, sorry!
Two words.......holy shit!

When you said brutal you werent kidding. Is there vocals on there, the track i downloaded was instrumental.
Not bashing on the band or yourself, but that just sounds like noise to me, no structure, no hooks just OMGWEAREPLAYINGASFASTASWEPOSSIBLYCANANDITISTEHFUCKENBROOTALZZ!

But hey, to each their own I guess.
I really didn't find that all too brutal... They sound great and play well, no doubt! But to me what makes a band brutal is a mixture of raw emotion (be it anger, fear, hate, etc...), power, and lyrical content. I'm going back some years but I look at bands like:

Ripping Corpse


Human Remains

My old band played with Human Remains a few times and they were fuckin sick! In my opinion both of the above are way more brutal... but that just may be me!

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I can't see how that's all that brutal either. Where's this raw emotion you're going on about? All I hear is a few groovy death metal riffs hidden under some of the worst production ever.
I can't see how that's all that brutal either. Where's this raw emotion you're going on about? All I hear is a few groovy death metal riffs hidden under some of the worst production ever.

Ahhh, standing on the shoulders of giants!

The production was pretty much on par with the rest of the heavy music of it's day (although YouTube makes it way worse than it actually was). I agree it's bad when compared to today's standard.

The production was pretty much on par with the rest of the heavy music of it's day (although YouTube makes it way worse than it actually was). I agree it's bad when compared to today's standard.


It's on par? Really?
Hell, I always thought Cynic - Focus sounded well below average, and this shit sounds even worse. I want to know how it's actually at all possible to get a guitar sound that fucking awful.
Producers must have been smoking too much crack around 1991, that's the only explanation I can think of.
good music transcends shit production, but this just happens to pretty much suck. *shrug*
a few bits of groovy riffage here and there, but apart from that it's all just an empty shell to me.

if i ever listen to DM like that, i make a point to listen to the good stuff. decrepit birth and cryptopsy any day for me.
why are you +1'ing two statements that are sort of in disagreement? o_o what