I'll go back to yesterday as well....
Something I really don't like (but has happened before)
happened again. Something I really don't like to talk
about, so I won't. But this is not the thing that I will
remember for the rest of my life....
My boyfriend gave me some advise, and everything he
said was of course right, and very smart; I had thought
the same things to myself as well. But. It's easier said
than done, or thought than done... Everything he said
just brougth me to tears, and I locked myself in the
bathroom (isn't it great to be on your own when
you're sad?)...
What I'll always remember is how sad my beloved one
got since I was feeling down, and how he almost cried
since I cried... What he said to get me out of the
bathroom, the guilt he felt 'cause he thought what he
said was really what caused it all...
I will forever remember this, and never forget that no
matter how tough things feels, I can always rely on him...
Even though he might not understand the reasons for me
reacting in the ways that I do....
Now, wasn't that beautiful?!
