What would you like to happen with the next album?

Alcapoth, I love the first two Opeth albums also more than any other Opeth album (cept MAYH), but if they went back to their roots it'd be boring. The band has to progress. The only style I'd like to see them come back to it'd be that of MAYH. After all, Orchid/Morningrise are in the same style, Still Life/BWP are in the same style, I as far as Deliverance and Damnation goes, well they're basically a double album so there. :D
Maybe they should do an album with 2 30 minute metal songs (normal Opeth stuff) and 2 other songs that are commercially sellable metal to get some spotlight on them.(These guys can't be having regular side jobs....they have 7 CD's out...they should be making a living on this music!) This way they're definately not selling out (2 30 minute tracks!) and they get money for the commercially sellable stuff. It's all good. :Spin:
Disengager CKY said:
I dont want opeth to go black metal either.

I want something along the lines of Morning rise meets Damnation with a touch of blackwater park.

What I mean by that is I'd like to see amazing songs with the guitar work and drumming of morning rise, but with more softer, technical soft parts, but still have that atmospheric/moody vibe that blackwater park gives off. And a mix between hard/soft and growled/clean vocals.

With salt and pepper :grin:?
I think they should take a break for a few months after the next batch of touring and have a good rest... then come back hungry and get all band members involved in the writing process and come out with something totally epic... but something a bit new... as fabulous as all their past albums are theres no point doing any just like any of them.
Rest is good. Out of all the thoughts I've read over the past months on similar topics, involving other members of the band is mentioned a lot.

I sort of wish Pete would work with Mike more with the riffing. Get some more harmonizing going. Although, Mike does do exceptionably well on his own.
Well I liked the riffing style on Damnation. It had that Voivod freaky feel in parts but lacked the more classic style metal riffs of earlier releases.
Well mix them up. I agree more collaboration would be a great idea.
And yes a more bass centred tune. Atmospherics and some samples (which they have already used in subtle ways) would be interesting.
Look they control their vision but hey they sometimes check into this site so good post I reckon.
And as for black metal as a previous poster stated I have Immortal and that guys freakin' insane bark to satisfy my black metal needs.
I'm sure these guys are going to rest for a while after touring, and then Mike's going to dive into whatever project interests him the most. From a lot of the things I've read, it seems like he's got a whole list of things he'd like to do with different people, including Steven Wilson. So with all of that in mind, it may be quite some time before we hear a new opeth album.

As far as that album goes, (if they decide to do another one), I hope it isn't as rushed a process as deliverance/damnation seemed to have been. I doubt they spent as much time as they would've liked on these releases and the whole recording process sounded like a nightmare from the interviews and from the studio diary thing on their website I read.

All in all, I'd just hope for something with a real grand, epic feel to it, with beautiful acoustic interludes in the right places and brutal death metal passages to liven things up throughout. As far as anything specific, I'd like to see the guitars have a more layered, fatter sound like in Blackwater Park, and I'd like the riffing to be along the lines of what I've always loved about opeth, brutal and grooving, yet delicate and unwinding, all at the same time. I wasn't as fond of the more brutal, stripped down, straight-forward death metal approach in some songs of Deliverance.

Also, something I really liked about past albums that I didn't notice as much on Deliverance was the whole grand, majestic kind of vibe, if you know what I mean. Like the song The Moor, When, The Leper Affinity, Blackwater Park... whether you like them all or not, they all have this powerful, epic feel to them that I just didn't feel as much on Deliverance. The album as a whole didn't feel quite as powerful or seem to flow as well from song to song, largely due to the absence of that kind of feeling, and it seemed more grey and lifeless I guess I'd say, when compared to previous albums.

Now I don't fault them for doing something different and it is still good music; it just wasn't quite what I was looking for. Some songs did have parts that that blew me away, like the second half of Master's Apprentices, the end of Deliverance, and about 2/3 of A Fair Judgement, but it needed more of those passages, the ones that make you feel like you're on some great musical journey, to really grab me for the whole duration of the album.
First off, let me just say, I love "Damnation". It's ten times better, IMHO, than "Deliverance". And while I don't want to see Opeth repeat themselves, I would like to see a return to the old song quality. To my ear, "Deliverance" isn't in the same league as "Morningrise", "My Arms, Your Hearse" or "Still Life". Even "Blackwater Park", which was much better than "Deliverance", wasn't on par with the three discs that preceeded it.

I think the healthiest thing for Opeth would be to part ways with Steve Wilson, though I don't see that actually happening. I think having someone like Andy Sneap, or even Devin Townsend produce their next CD, would be a wise choice.