I request your opinion...

Hey all, for some reason I have come to respect most of your opinions on this board. I always thoroughly enjoy myself here reading you wit, sarcasm, and funny and sometimes heartfelt stories. That being said,

I run an online metalshop. www.firewalkmusic.net

It is in need of a serious revamp. Any suggestions?

Also to self promote:) FireWalk Music will have a booth at Seattle Metalfest in January. I'll have cds and t-shirts. If any of you guys will be in the Seattle area at time and are looking for any specific cds or band t-shirts (I'll give you a Nevermore Forum discount :) ) , let me know and I'll order them and bring them with me so you can pick them up there.

I'll post more info on that show when I know it's all confirmed. You guys rock:) :headbang: :kickass:
The site does look a little dated.

I would redesign the look of the buttons on the left hand side.

Maybe change the font that your using for the text also.

I would like to offer my services to help redesign your logo.

PM me if interested.
so my suggestion is that you rethink the whole architecture of the website.

I see that you are using a few frames for the website. that is cool.
First of all you are trying too hard to make it look \"metal\", by using tons of black and burning \"add to cart\" things. That makes some stuff hard to read.
I looked at the cd store. You should put the album cover jpg to the right of the name of the band, and instead of making an ugly pope-frightening flaming add to cart, i would use a nice elegant flash button. Also get rid of the black background. Flash buttons would also do good to the sidebar to the left.
Another suggestion is that you link to download a song from that album from the bands official website, like for example near the TGE cd a download final product link to the nevermore page would be good.

A good metal store it is doesn\'t have to look metal.

an idea for the metal militia page is to play a 20 second clip of metallica\'s metal militia after you click on it.

Good luck with the page, and see you at seattle\'s metalfest in january
the logo and the buttons are the only real things I think needs changing.................... actually... the search function on the left hand side is off-center (at least on my shitty laptop)
This might just be me, but how about going with a smoother look? Like the buttons on the left side look a little harsh. Maybe making things all one color, like a black background, or a background with one graphic, or so. And just text. I can't describe exactly what I mean. Bleh! It doesn't look BAD now, just a little cluttered. Good luck! :)
Constructive criticism:

Simplify the visuals on the page - it looks very cluttered, and is distracting for people who are looking for things. I'm the opposite of lordofthesewers in that I don't think you should use Flash for more than you need to (I'm a Javascript kind of guy), but simpler is definitely better when you're selling.
Yes I know it hurts my head to look at lately, that's why I'm going to seriously revamp the entire thing. Might take a few days, but I'll let you guys know when it's changed.

And you guys in bands, send me a message. I can put your stuff up for sale on the site and when it's ordered, I'll contact you to send it out and send you the cash or we can have your items linked to your personal paypal accounts(if you have them) so the cash goes straight to you.

But I would like to add your bands to my band listing. So pm me with your websites and I'll add you guys.
i will pm you later about helping with the website if you want and about some cds to order from you.
I dont want to sound rude with my criticism but it really does look too "amateur" for a store front. I would work on revamping the logo for Fire Walk Music, Ditch the skulls, flames, barbed wire, and anything other animated gifs. Spend some time coming up with a plainer looking layout to make it look a bit more professional, yet still tr00.

edit: my HTML skills are decent, id be willing to help come up with a layout if you give me some logos to use.
Also, add Distorted Mind and Division!

I was looking through the band listing, you should change the link colors, because it has a blue underline under red text on a black background, looks really :zombie:
Looking at it again, I noticed that it is too large for the screen. Even full sized it goes off my 20" monitor.

I would reduce the left hand side some and totally redo those buttons.

Also, some of the images seem a low resolution, which adds to the unprofessional feeling some of the other people have mentioned.

But it is a good site, I did not find any dead links or bad pages. The overall looks just needs an update.
Sit down, draw out how you would like the site to look before hand. Make sure every page works as a whole with the site and you should have no problems.

And a snazzy updated logo will be coming your way.
The page is also a bit wide. Maybe it should be a little more narrow and longer since that is easier to read and see everything.
The menu on the top should be a little lower. I don't know why, but it always looks better when it is a little lower for some reason.
Maybe a little less graphics. Graphics are cool and all, but you should save all that for the posters, fliers, CD/DVD covers etc that you post on the homepage. For instance, the flaming "Search", all the skulls in the background on part of the page and stuff like that kind of take attention away from the other stuff.
When you do redesign it, you should make it look sleek but not too complicated. It should also be easy to run. If someone doesn't have such a fast computer or internet connection, they won't visit the site if they cannot really get on it.
Of course this is my own opinion. I don't really know too much about running a website.