I saw a great band!!!


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
A lot of folk had been recommending a wee Irish band called The Answer to me and I finally saw them on Wednesday night at the Barfly in Glasgow. If any of youse are seeing Whitesnake in June, its The Answer that are supporting them, so get there early and prepare to be stunned by their brilliance!!!!

This was the Kerrang Most Wanted Tour and there were 2 bands on before The Answer and we actually managed to get to the venue in time to see the support bands - wow that was a shocker hehe!!!!

First band was called Scare and they were pretty good in the Primal Scream type mode, not exactly my type of rock but they were good enough. A very young band and very very energetic, the whole band was jumping and bouncing about the stage like nobody's business and in fact the singer actually jumped off the stage at one point and was walking around the hall still singing the song, so that was quite cool.

Second band were called Sign and as soon as I saw the singer coming on stage with a flying V I thought, hey these guys look as if they're about to rawk!!! They were amazing, again a very young band but that singer was totally incredible and all their songs were excellent. The singer looked a bit like a young Michael Monroe of Hanoi Rocks and sounded like a cross between Coverdale and Diamond Dave - excellent voice indeed - with plenty of thrusting and gyrations on stage. Wow could that guy scream or could that guy scream. He was a great looking guy but in a girlie way if you catch my drift. I don't know if he was gay or not but he should definitely have been born a female - he had lovely long fair hair but girlie lookin, wearing jeans ripped to buggery and nothing on top apart from this wee fitted jacket that went in at his waist, both nipples pierced, loads of bangles and red eyeshadow all round his eyes obviously but halfway down his cheeks as well. And at the end of the night he was putting all his stuff into this backpack thingy and this is the truth, it was pink and white and said GIRL POWER on it. And the guitarist was wearing a black tshirt which said "I've Fucked Your Boyfriend" and he was a male guitarist. I'm not bothered if they were a gay band or not cos they were pretty incredible and I think they're definitely a band to watch out for - BRILLIANT!!!!

There was only about 30 folk there to see the support bands but when The Answer came on, I reckon there was maybe about 80 folk there at least. Wow what can I see, The Answer were mindblowing, I was completely stunned by their performance - very like Zeppelin/Black Crowes. They were on for about an hour and a half and all their songs are superb. That singer has got one of the best voices I've ever heard, they really did blow me away and they totally rocked that Barfly, they were brilliant. I'd only heard about 4 of their songs and they played Keep Believing, No Questions Asked, Preachin, Only the Strong Survive, Rock Bottom Blues, they played lots more but I don't know what they were called and they finished with Into the Gutter which was totally tremendous..

Of course I was right at the front of the stage in front of the wee bassplayer and the singer said it was the bassplayer's birthday the day before, so everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him and he got a bit of a riddy at that hehe. And again, without word of a lie, the singer came over and bent down and sang a few words right to my face. This is the last 3 bands I've seen where the singer has done this to me. Awesome - I'm lapping up all this attention from these rockstars!!!!!!

A fantastic band and I canny wait to see them in a few weeks at The Carling Academy - I think the Answer are definitely gonny be ULTRA HUGE!!!!

And once they were finished, I was about to leave when the singer walked right up to me and said "Hi I'm Cormack what's your name". He shook my hand and then planted a big kiss ON MY LIPS!!!! Wow I didn't even see that one coming. He asked where we were going after, we said Solid Rock and he said they would follow us round there but when we got outside we didn't realise it was as late as that and we had to catch the last train, so we didn't make it back to Solid Rock, so I don't know if The Answer went or not. Fantastic night but was I feeling rough as sin yesterday I'll tell you, still don't feel right.
Thanks for the heads up, Princess.

I saw The Answer supporting Deep Purple at the Astoria in January, and they 'kin rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkked !!!

I am seeing Whitesnake at Hammy on Tuesday and will now make sure I am at the front for The Answer and the other support. Will try to drag myself and the Boys out of the Dove and Blue Anchor pubs in time - kicking and screaming !!!

Anyone from this Board going to Monsters of Rock at Milton Keynes next Saturday ?

For those in Saarf Laandan - there a 2 good gigs at the Boom Boom Club (Sutton United Football Club) next week: http://www.feenstra.co.uk/ Man on Friday 2 June; and Mountain on Sunday 4 June.

That will be 4 gigs for me next week :rock: :kickass: - but still having Saxon withdrawal symptons !!!


princess_of_the_night2112 said:
A lot of folk had been recommending a wee Irish band called The Answer to me and I finally saw them on Wednesday night at the Barfly in Glasgow. If any of youse are seeing Whitesnake in June, its The Answer that are supporting them, so get there early and prepare to be stunned by their brilliance!!!!

This was the Kerrang Most Wanted Tour and there were 2 bands on before The Answer and we actually managed to get to the venue in time to see the support bands - wow that was a shocker hehe!!!!

First band was called Scare and they were pretty good in the Primal Scream type mode, not exactly my type of rock but they were good enough. A very young band and very very energetic, the whole band was jumping and bouncing about the stage like nobody's business and in fact the singer actually jumped off the stage at one point and was walking around the hall still singing the song, so that was quite cool.

yeah princes go on


Second band were called Sign and as soon as I saw the singer coming on stage with a flying V I thought, hey these guys look as if they're about to rawk!!! They were amazing, again a very young band but that singer was totally incredible and all their songs were excellent. The singer looked a bit like a young Michael Monroe of Hanoi Rocks and sounded like a cross between Coverdale and Diamond Dave - excellent voice indeed - with plenty of thrusting and gyrations on stage. Wow could that guy scream or could that guy scream. He was a great looking guy but in a girlie way if you catch my drift. I don't know if he was gay or not but he should definitely have been born a female - he had lovely long fair hair but girlie lookin, wearing jeans ripped to buggery and nothing on top apart from this wee fitted jacket that went in at his waist, both nipples pierced, loads of bangles and red eyeshadow all round his eyes obviously but halfway down his cheeks as well. And at the end of the night he was putting all his stuff into this backpack thingy and this is the truth, it was pink and white and said GIRL POWER on it. And the guitarist was wearing a black tshirt which said "I've Fucked Your Boyfriend" and he was a male guitarist. I'm not bothered if they were a gay band or not cos they were pretty incredible and I think they're definitely a band to watch out for - BRILLIANT!!!!

There was only about 30 folk there to see the support bands but when The Answer came on, I reckon there was maybe about 80 folk there at least. Wow what can I see, The Answer were mindblowing, I was completely stunned by their performance - very like Zeppelin/Black Crowes. They were on for about an hour and a half and all their songs are superb. That singer has got one of the best voices I've ever heard, they really did blow me away and they totally rocked that Barfly, they were brilliant. I'd only heard about 4 of their songs and they played Keep Believing, No Questions Asked, Preachin, Only the Strong Survive, Rock Bottom Blues, they played lots more but I don't know what they were called and they finished with Into the Gutter which was totally tremendous..

Of course I was right at the front of the stage in front of the wee bassplayer and the singer said it was the bassplayer's birthday the day before, so everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him and he got a bit of a riddy at that hehe. And again, without word of a lie, the singer came over and bent down and sang a few words right to my face. This is the last 3 bands I've seen where the singer has done this to me. Awesome - I'm lapping up all this attention from these rockstars!!!!!!

A fantastic band and I canny wait to see them in a few weeks at The Carling Academy - I think the Answer are definitely gonny be ULTRA HUGE!!!!

And once they were finished, I was about to leave when the singer walked right up to me and said "Hi I'm Cormack what's your name". He shook my hand and then planted a big kiss ON MY LIPS!!!! Wow I didn't even see that one coming. He asked where we were going after, we said Solid Rock and he said they would follow us round there but when we got outside we didn't realise it was as late as that and we had to catch the last train, so we didn't make it back to Solid Rock, so I don't know if The Answer went or not. Fantastic night but was I feeling rough as sin yesterday I'll tell you, still don't feel right.

go on princes

:rock: yeah!!!

Were you at that gig Pantera - it was excellent. And its only just over 2 and a half weeks till I see The Answer again when they support Whitesnake at Carling Academy - that'll be a superb concert as well!!