I Saw God Tonight Again!


Apr 14, 2008
People, you are looking for God in all the wrong places. He isn't in your church's or mosques or synagogues. He's in rock concerts! I just saw Radiohead in Golden Gate Park tonight and they took the place apart! Its like music from the 4th dimension! Unbelievable! Just like I saw God at Iron Maiden in Concord I saw him tonight at Radiohead.

Rock music is such a religion man! The band is like the priest and the audience the congregation. Together they praise the most high. Like the entire concert is one big woofer, sending and receiving signals to and from the cosmos.

I am so grateful for Rock N Roll!

Thank you thank you thank you!


Like in the UK they are regarded as indie and nothing to do with rock music at all.

I saw them years ago and the singer walked into the gig behind me, no one bothered him. It was pants.

Theres a real movement that bands like Radiohead are rock, they are not, to me they are down with the likes of Blur and Oasis, its part of brit pop, not rock not pop somewhere inbetween.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the show but not my cup of tea at all.
I saw Raven last night at the Rockit Room.Their first gig in SF in 23 years and they CRUSHED!My buddt Scotty wasd working the Golden gate Park fest.he was pisse dhe couldn't go see Raven,You should've been where the Metal was!
You know, I don't pay attentions to genres anymore. I just like what I like.

Radiohead has a sound I never heard anything live. Its really amazing. Some of it is electronic sounding and some of it is very hard rock. Nevertheless, its all done with real instruments, lots of very good guitars and analog equipment.

The CDs are flat, and live it opens up. You just got to hear it live.

Raven was there? I didn't hear that.

I bet Ronnie James Dio will bring The force next week man. Dio is a guy who really moves me big time! I wonder if Judas priest will be able to top it, considering their headlining. Heaven and Hell is a hard act to follow!
Metal Masters will be Godly but Priest has way more energy than Sabbath.Hell, when Priest supported the Ozzy version of Sabbath at Oz Fest a few years ago, they kicked their asses.I enjoyed both bands tremendously but Priest have always been a consistently kick ass live band.Don't forget my buddies in Motorhead & Testament.We're taking a party bus to the show see you there!
I like Heaven and Hell better than Ozzy Sabbath.
To tell you the truth, I've never even heard Motorhead or Testament before. I've heard them back in the day in passing, but can't remember any of their music.

You really think Judas Priest can come close to topping Children of the Sea?
Because in the UK its known as Indie. Not dissimilar to britpop (Oasis and Blur)

Rock music is bands like Therapy? Skid Row Guns and Roses not this stuff.

I know I'm being narrow minded but I dont think Radiohead are rock, the same as I dont view REM as a rock band its all Indie......like the charlatans and EMF, jesus Jones.....the brit stuff from the late 80's to Early 90's that was superceded by bands like Oasis and Blur.

Think back to the bands early days, Creep could be described as a rock song, they were much "heavier" when they started......now they just write songs that are mellow etc.

They really are a band that I have given chances to and paid a silly amount of money to go and see (due to the venue being pathetically small) and I just do not like them or their style of music. In fact the singer irritates the hell out of me for some reason. I describe it as cardigan wearing indie hippy music.
But Radiohead were Indie about 12 years ago but have changed their sound since them. I don't care if you like them, but I'm just saying they have many rock songs and not all are mellow. I know their music well, and it's still Rock music. Because Sabath's song Changes, does that not make Sabbath rock anymore? Radiohead is rock like Pink Floyd is rock.
But Radiohead were Indie about 12 years ago but have changed their sound since them. I don't care if you like them, but I'm just saying they have many rock songs and not all are mellow. I know their music well, and it's still Rock music. Because Sabath's song Changes, does that not make Sabbath rock anymore? Radiohead is rock like Pink Floyd is rock.

See I dont see pink Floyd as a rock band either. Certainly the stuff I have heard by them (read: the wall and dark side of the moon) Does not give me that tingle warm feeling that rock music generally does. Pink Floyd were just like, I dunno Alternative??? They were an amusing band when you were off your head on acid. You could really get into it......the Orb are like that now and Ozric tentacles. Floyd were......experimental.

No I dont see them in the same sense of modern rock anyway. Sabbath are a rock band, Led Zeppelin are a rock band, AC/DC are a rock band. The Who became a rock band but did not start off as one.

I'm hoping you can see where I draw the line. In the UK theres a diverse music scene, many of the acts dont make it to the US, many do and flop even fewer gain commercial success to match that of the UK market.

We now have bands like the feeling etc that are kinda fusing rock and pop.

I noticed that Kid rocks all summer long is still at our number 3 spot in the charts (top 40) and Metallica went right in at 36.

It doesnt change that Radiohead are not a rock band, neither are coldplay who I think sound similar in style.

We just see things differently I guess.
Time Warrior,

We may not agree on some things, but please please please understand that Coldplay is not like Radiohead! I won't tolerate this comment. I hate Coldplay with a true passion. They are the gayest, lamest and dorkiest pathetic band ever and they try to sound like an elevator version of Radiohead. Please trust me on this. Any resemblance to Radiohead is them copying.

Anyway, I see what you mean, but we really shouldn't get too hung up on Genres. Who cares how we label a band. I bang my head a bit at Radiohead concerts and rock out to them. I call it rock because it rocks me. It doesn't rock you, and thats ok. I think Motley Crue is crap, and you like them. Thats ok. I bet if we were hanging out drinking some beers, I can play you some Radiohead songs that you would feel that powerful rock feeling you are talking about, just kind of rock music of the 4th dimension. But they sound different live than the CDs. Anyway, I am not trying to convince you to like them, but I am tryign to convince you that they are not like Coldplay.

Lets let the critics worry about categories on genres, and we shoudl just enjoy whatever it is we like. I can go from King Crimson to Judas Priest to Jackson Browne to The Cure to Iron Maiden to Metallica to Mozart to John Coltrane to Dio to Grateful Dead on my song selection on my iPod and feel these as normal transitions.

Fuck the critics!