I Shot Someone Today!


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
One of those paper men with targets in various places. I blasted the hell out of his crotch.

No not really...a friend and I went to a target range today for the hell of it, she's been shooting stuff for 20+ years, and I've never touched a gun before, ever. And I've lived in Texas all my life, for SHAME SAMANTHA!!! Anyway I got myself a 22 (that ain't gonna kill anyone unless the gun is up against the back of their skull) and 100 rounds and entertained myself for three hours. The owner took a liking to me and let me play with his P7 9mm for a while and DAMN that's got a recoil to it, it scared the hell out of me. That and the shell popping out and going down my shirt. Suprisingly I am a good shot, but I flinch anticipating the recoil and shoot off to the right sometimes. My shoulders hurt. :erk: All in all it was a fun, different way to spend the afternoon.

The targets they had were pretty nuts, I got the FBI one...the also had Osama and Saddam and one with squirrels and chipmunks and other furries. That's mean. Anyone else wanna shoot stuff?
I'm a good shot, 11/12 in the red usually with a .45.
I prefer shotguns, point, shoot, problem solved.
The only gun I have ever used is a paintball gun.....and that was only once....because I sucked soooo much at it (my friend sneaked all the way across the field and shot me in my back). Oh, but I do have many many plastic power ranger guns....:)
He shot you in the back? Shoot him in the balls after he takes off his gear. Then in the face.
"He shot you in the back? Shoot him in the balls after he takes off his gear. Then in the face."

He only shot me once.....it's just an example of how much I suck....*nods*
NoLordy Capone said:
Because you're jealous is why. You want one too, but you can't have it.
I would like to urinate standing up. I've been out so much lately, my thighs are sore from squatting in public restrooms. Other than that, I'm content with my innie. But if I did have a penis for a day, I'd be whacking it like there was no tomorrow. :dopey:
I used to play paintball on an unregulated amateur field with some guys I knew and I totally got my ass kicked every time. Not to mention, that it was an UNREGULATED field so there was cheaters, people who modified their guns, jacked up the air pressure... etc. It wasn't all that fun.
BlackwaterNymph said:
I would like to urinate standing up. I've been out so much lately, my thighs are sore from squatting in public restrooms. Other than that, I'm content with my innie. But if I did have a penis for a day, I'd be whacking it like there was no tomorrow. :dopey:

BlackwaterNymph said:
But if I did have a penis for a day, I'd be whacking it like there was no tomorrow. :dopey:

I've heard more than a few girls say that.
For some reason it surprises me. I dunno why.
I guess I never thought having a penis was a big deal.

But then again, if I was a chick and I had breasts for a day
I'll stand in front of the mirror and squeeze them all day. :D

OfficerNice said:
I've heard more than a few girls say that.
For some reason it surprises me. I dunno why.
I guess I never thought having a penis was a big deal.

But then again, if I was a chick and I had breasts for a day
I'll stand in front of the mirror and squeeze them all day. :D

And to me they are just fat with a nippple, they're no fun. I've never known a guy to mess with them for more than 30 seconds so I think guys overdramatize their interest in (o)(o)s. Whereas penises do neat stuff and really neat stuff happens at the end. How did I go from guns to genitals?

And NoLordy - Of course I'm serious, bring your sweet satanic butt on over. :cool: