i think i need some henchmen

dood, i'm a ninja too.


Corn Scones

1/4 cup soy margarine
1/2 cup soy milk
2 Tbs. brown sugar or Sucanat (I use Sucanat)
1/2 c. cornmeal
1 1/2 c. unbleached white flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder

Preheat oven to 375 F. Melt margarine and mix with soy milk and sugar. In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients and mix until just combined.
On a floured baking sheet, press the dough into an 8-inch circle about 1/2 inch thick. Cut into eight pie wedges. Separate the wedges so there is about 1 inch between them. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until puffed and golden.
These scones are fabulous under Ginny's Vegan chili, served hot in a bowl!
The best thing about cheese is that it's made with rennet, which is sort of like the cow's stomach lining, which explains why some varieties (feta, asiago) literally taste like vomit. Because they ARE.