i think i need some henchmen

My English friend told me that his countrymen call redheads "gingers" (he made it rhyme with "ninjas") and in England they suffer "the same sort of prejudice black people suffer here", in that they will get passed over for promotions or not get job interviews because they have red hair. I say GOOD!
Here's a tasty redhead.

But that's nitpicking.

Originally posted by xfer
It sucks that the modern world has moved away from a henchman-based system. How fun would it be to be called "MY LORD"?

"Warwick, mail my student loan payment!"

And anyway, this post should have been enough entertainment to read a thousand more pages!

This reminds me- I need to pay my student loan online so it's not late. Thanks xfer!
Still Life With Woodpecker remains the only Tom Robbins book I like. But that might be because it was the first one I read, thought it was awesome, read two more, and realised they were both just rehashes of SLWW. Maybe if I'd read Skinny Legs and All first I would now be raving about that and calling SLWW a rehash.