I think I traumatized my roommate. DETAILS INSIDE!


poser, not guitarist
Aug 19, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
We decided to rent a movie tonight and he was at a loss for a suitable one to check out. I suggested "Audition". We watched this movie (which I consider very good, BTW) and at the end torture scene, he couldn't watch any longer and retreated to his computer to escape the violence. I tried talking to him about the movie but he refused to listen to me because he wanted to block it out of his mind. Since then, he's been rather distant with me.

Anyway, as I see it, one of the reasons Audition is so shocking and effective is that it hyperbolizes certain psychological elements of a relationship that most people can relate to albiet in a less extreme way. What mental demons plague your significant other? How are those demons going to manifest themselves and effect you? How will your s.o. treat you as a result of them? I found the implications of the movie far more disturbing than the actual torture scene itself.

Your thoughts on "Audition"? Discuss.
I haven't seen Audition....I heard of a disturbing (German?) movie called Funny Games that I've been trying to dig out. It's about a home invasion or something.

What's the premise of Audition?
i would never dream of warning for spoilers.

the money shot in Audition made it worth seeing for exactly the reasons you describe, Alex.

in my crotchety old opinion, though, the entirety of it sucksola. i found it's confusion was stylized to the point of inducing a gag, and unravelled any semblance of credibility for the plot, or a point, moooot.

Alex, it wouldn't suprise me if you actually followed through that ending and understood exactly what was going on, and i say that as a compliment.

for me, i can only watch so many movies that raise the question of whether this viewing experience was a dream or not. if i was interpreting correctly, the arrangement of all of those cut-scenes implied that there was absolutely no grounding in "reality" for any of it.

i tend to think Miike is a dumbshit. i wish you had gone to see Dead or Alive with us at the Exhumed Films screening.
Originally posted by xfer
I haven't seen Audition....I heard of a disturbing (German?) movie called Funny Games that I've been trying to dig out. It's about a home invasion or something.

while i'm ranting...

i found this one to be cloying as well.

see it, and prepare to be moderately disturbed.

overall, it wallowed in its own cleverness.

i hate it. probably not for the reasons the directors intended. but if so, i love it.