I think Opeth should do a cover of "With Strength I Burn"

Regarding grammar mistakes: "Thus Spake the Nightspirit" is correct. It's old English meaning "so spoke". There's a piece of classical music called "Thus Spake Zarathustra" (some may recognize it from the beginning of 2001: A Space Odysey)

Regarding "Circle of the Tyrants": I don't have the version of MAYH with the covers on it, but I'm sure it isn't that bad since they aren't supposed to be part of the album, they're supposed to be separate entities while the album is taken as a whole. I personally thought the cover itself was magnificent.
The_Human_Abstract said:
I think if Opeth were to do an emperor cover then it should be a track off Prometheus. My reasoning behind this is that i think it will still have the progressive element that Opeth embodies. The tounge of fire or maybe Depraved might sound quite intresting. If not an emperor cover then a Peccatum cover like Murder.
I agree, but I think there's an unspoken rule that you can't cover songs from a band's newest album or you lose your old-school cred or something.
i heard that a while ago too and enjoyed it very much :grin:
and i would have to agree on the comment of you covering bloodbath - that would sound badass.
The_Human_Abstract said:
I think if Opeth were to do an emperor cover then it should be a track off Prometheus. My reasoning behind this is that i think it will still have the progressive element that Opeth embodies. The tounge of fire or maybe Depraved might sound quite intresting. If not an emperor cover then a Peccatum cover like Murder.

Realy ?
I don't know... but i think is not a good idea...
I like Prometheus album, but "Anthems" is a metal-cult...
"Ye Entrancemperium" and "With Strenght I Burn" is my fav song's...
By the way, is interesting if a song like "The Tongue of Fire" was coverized by Opeth...

But, the most popular song of Emperor is "I am the Black Wizards"... Interesting to be coverized, too ! :grin:
well... i know that "thus Spake the Nightpirit" is written in old english, maybe that's why many of "moderns" english speakers might consider it wrong... (i'm almost 100% positive that Nietszche wrote "thus spake Zarathustra", so there's a link that make me realize that it's old english)

now, speaking about this Thread, i would LOVE to hear INNO A SATANA (by Emperor btw) played by OPETH... the darkness of that song can be pushed way far away by Opeth's genius... so if Mikael, Peter or the Martins read this: please consider this song!!!!
Dseven said:
well... i know that "thus Spake the Nightpirit" is written in old english, maybe that's why many of "moderns" english speakers might consider it wrong... (i'm almost 100% positive that Nietszche wrote "thus spake Zarathustra", so there's a link that make me realize that it's old english)

now, speaking about this Thread, i would LOVE to hear INNO A SATANA (by Emperor btw) played by OPETH... the darkness of that song can be pushed way far away by Opeth's genius... so if Mikael, Peter or the Martins read this: please consider this song!!!!

I honestly didn't know Nietszche composed music, I thought he was just a philosopher. Anyway, I'm not so sure about Inno a Satana since Opeth usually stray away from satanic topics, but you never know.
LOL...Opeth will not do an Emperor cover...the chances of that happening are VERY unlikely. If they were to cover any black metal it would be like older Bathory, Venom, ...not some second wave band.
But yeah I do agree...Opeth covering anything from "In the nightside eclipse" would be amazing to hear.