I thought Ron might find this a little cool.

Metal head87

Jul 17, 2006
If anyone has ever taken the 'D' train from Manhattan to Brooklyn, when it first runs on the "outdoors" part, if you look outside, you will see a huge building and a billboard kind of thing that says "Watchtower" on it. I know it has nothing to do with Watchtower, I think it's some religious thing, but it's still cool anyways.
You're right, it probably was the Johova's Witness thing. But it was still very cool to see Watchtower on 2 huge places. People probably thought I was a tourist when I tried to take a picture of it with my phone, but since the train was moving, it came out blurry. I had to listen to Control And Resistance right when I saw that. It would be so cool if someone put "Spastic Ink" in huge letters right under it.
Take a picture it sometime when you pass it and post it here. Would be cool to see it.

Here in Tallinn there's a large commercial on a shopping centre with progressive power written on it. It's an Audi commerciala actually, nothing metal related unfortnately lol
I've tried to quite a few times. The problem is that the train is moving and I am using a crappy cell phone camera, so the pic doesn't come through. If there is ever train traffic though, I will definitely take a pic of it. It's not uncommon for that to happen, since it was because the train was stopped one time that I saw that thing. I wish I would have thought to take the picture then though!