i, uh, accidently played with my poop for hours this morning. :(


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
this morning, actually, i was trying to calculate roughly the size and shape of the possible homunclius growing in my abdomen.
i felt solid objects through my stomach.
after an hour or two, i noticed that these solid objects would change their location as time went by.
gradually, i started noticing that these "objects" felt surprisingly not unlike the shape of a turd.
then came the revelation:
i had been playing with not-yet-ejected poop through the walls of my stomach for several hours this morning.
the first shit of the morning, inevitable, was very mushy poop, followed by diarrhea.
my stomach really hurts too.
moral of the story: don't ever play with those mysterious shapes you feel in your stomach. (it's poop.)

actually ok seriously - if you did swallow an eel and it remained alive (i guess because of its slime layer) - what would stop it from slithering down your duodenum, through your intestinal labyrinth and out your anus o?
that eel would be acidified! poor eel. he'd be burned to death. and mia, my sister once had a noticeable bump on her stomach and she was like 'i have a tumor i have a tumor!' and then like 5 hours later she called me and was like 'it was just the two bagels i ate :('

well, wouldn't the eel's mucous coating (plus the diluting i mentioned earlier) protect it from the acid? i don't think it could go all the way through your digestive system because of all the sphincters en route?
the eels coat wouldnt last long. also, it's not actually an alkaline slime coat that they have to protect it against the acids, it's an acid base mixture, so like, it could end up fucking itself over. b/c the coat is there to protect it from the very base elements of sea water.
a slime layer is more protection against insult to the skin than to actual acid/base mixtures. any time something does protect that way, it is a mix of both acid and base, because both exist in water obviously, (especially polluted fresh water) the eel would die, basically, even with a bunch of antacids down there. plus you'd like, die from alkalosis.