I' ve listened the "Damage Done" album and i think...


And the journey begins...
May 19, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
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i think its's pretty good. Much more heavier than Haven and closer to the old stuff. I really loved it...

first soilwork, now dark tranquillity and the 3rd one would be the In Flames and i' m sure i will rock too.
:rolleyes: :Smug:

you guys could at least make the damn review a bit more detail... try to write down what the hightlight in the album, the bottom line & what so ever... i think it's best to know it a little more since some of us here don't even bother to download any of the new song... it' just kills the fun having a fresh new album in our own hands... digipak is cool to :p

- red_beef
Hail to those who are waiting for the new Dark Tranquillity album to come out to get it, listen it and pray to "someone you believe
:)" for the existence of Dark Tranquillity...

I' m sure noone here needs a DT bio or discography which shows their musical progression over the years. If you heard of DT a few days ago, don' t waste your "precious" time here... But if you are a DT fan and haven' t heard the Damage Done, (actually it has not been released yet ) you will be thrilled! It rocks!!!

For sure way better than Haven. (which is also great actually) Also it has a lot of similarities with Haven. The piano passages, powerful chords and a lot of things that you will figure out when you listen to the album. And there is only a few similarities with the Projector.

The fans of the "Stanne' s clean vocals" are gonna be disappointed about this cos' no clean vocals on this album. Actually i like his clean vocz but on this album, his brutal vocal is more aggressive than the Haven.

Now the guitars... The melodies are brilliant! Really original and when i first heard them, i immediately picked up my guitar and figured them out... now i' m playing those melodies and having a great time :)

Songs are faster and more energetic than Haven. But i must say that with the first notes of the Final Resistance, you' ll think that it's kind of a bonus track from Haven that you' ve never heard before. But wait for a second to find out that this is no Haven but a really good entrance to the album.

There are a lot of keyboards in every song but it's only a base for the guitars actually. Hours Passed In Exile and Single Part Of Two are a lot of Haven-esque. Monochromatic Stains is one of the bests in the album. It makes you to move, jump around or do something! The other song Cathode Ray Sunshine has a nice melody and this melody leads the song.

Treason Wall is my favorite song on the album. With a superb melody and energy, the song has everything that a good song should has. It has got the fastest parts on the album. And when i listened to this song, i prayed to God (well... this is the one i believe :) ) that Dark Tranquillity to come to Istanbul again and blow me for the second time. (The first show was an extraordinary show by the way. Bassist Michael Niklasson played the drums on Zodijackyl Light for the first time on a DT gig ever and he was really cool.)

The title track is one of the bests too. It has a "The Crown-esque" intro and then the song changes to tipical DT. Simply beautiful. The last song Ex Nihilo is an instrumental song which is moody, slow, sad and sorrowful.

In conclusion,
i think Damage Done is better than Haven and this album will satisfy you. The fans of the old DT, it's too late for returning to roots. DT set it's standarts and will go on this way. But only good news for the old DT-ers is, the melodies on this album are much more alike to old DT's than the melodies on Haven. There are no happy or "i' ve opened a new window to myself and i'm starting a better life" kind of melodies here... (what the hell did i just say? :) ) I think you get what i mean.

Soilwork' s Natural Born Chaos is grandeur, Dark Tranquillity' s Damage Done is... hmmm... really satisfyingly great and the third explosion will be In Flames. It will come out a few months later and i' m sure... no! I KNOW it will be brilliant. Oh how lucky we are who listen to METAL!!!!!!

The End: If you love Dark Tranquillity, you will love Damage Done

P.S.: What' s with the weird song titles by the way? :)
i haven't heard one note of DD yet, but last year i felt this urging need to download Haven tracks. i don't know where that urging need went to. :err: ;-)

i remember we were allowed to read the lyrics before it was released, too. perhaps we'll be as lucky this year? :)
I have a Review of the track im listeing right now


Misanthrope ( freaking out over new DT )
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I have a Review of the track im listeing right now


Misanthrope ( freaking out over new DT )

Hours passed in exile has been my favourite track since the first time I heard it. That "thing, tempo change, riff, whatever" at about 0:45 in is just awesome.
Please, Joel_In_Flames and DeadBaytar, keep this conversation going privately (by pm, in example), as long as questions and answers about how and where DD is to be found are concerned. Thaks in advance :)

Originally posted by DeadBaytar
What do you think about the lack of clean vocals? i think it was one of Stanne' s trademarks.
It never was until Projector, the way he did them before was good, but on Projector is was just too.. eehh... "wimpy"? Or too wanna-be emotional and missing the goal.

Anyway, I like the clean vocals on "Skydancer" and "The Gallery" (did he do any there actually..? Oh yeah, that little bit in "Punish..."), so he should use them like he did then and let the raw voice lead! :headbang:

I'm not gonna lie about it, I too was just too curious not to take a peek, and yeah, I couldn't supress a cheer when I heard the fast parts again!!! It sounds to me like a return to "The Mind's I" style mixed with some of the more recent inluences. And most importantly, we're hearing a METAL band again!! And then realize we have to wait another long two months before we can hold the disc in our sweaty hands!! Aaarrgghhh!